



The play 'Antigone' is at least 2,440 years old. Still timely nevertheless are its main concerns over what to do about a bad law and how far to go for the sake of love or justice. Contributors typically ask and answer questions about the play's author, characters, imagery, literary devices, plot, and relationship to other plays of the same themes or time period.

3,360 Questions

How many times was Napolean exiled?

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twice. In 1814, after the Battle of the Nations and the Campaign of France, he abdicated and was made Emperor of Elba, a small island off the coast of Italy. This was a mistake, because in 1815 he returned to France and had to be hammered again at Waterloo. After that he was exiled to st. helena, a small dot in the middle of the Atlantic, where he died in 1821.

What is the theme of The Euphio Question?

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The theme of "The Euphio Question" by Kurt Vonnegut revolves around the consequences of relying on technology for happiness and the dangers of escapism from reality.

What insight do the Oedipus plays give into the characters and events in 'Antigone'?

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The Oedipus plays, particularly "Oedipus Rex" and "Oedipus at Colonus," provide context on the family history and curse that impacts the characters in 'Antigone.' These tragedies reveal the complex relationships and themes of fate, free will, and the consequences of hubris that continue to influence the characters in 'Antigone,' such as Antigone, Ismene, and Creon. The Oedipus plays also shed light on the themes of blindness, prophecy, and the struggle between individual autonomy and divine will, which are carried forward in 'Antigone.'

Are 'Antigone' and 'Whale Rider' similar?

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Both "Antigone" and "Whale Rider" explore themes of tradition, gender roles, and defiance against societal norms. Additionally, both works feature strong female protagonists who challenge authority in order to uphold their beliefs and values. While "Antigone" is a Greek tragedy and "Whale Rider" is a contemporary film set in New Zealand, both narratives highlight the importance of individual agency and the struggle between tradition and modernity.

Creon accuses both teiresias and the guard of accepting bribes?

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Yes, Creon accuses both Teiresias and the guard of accepting bribes. He accuses Teiresias of being motivated by money in his prophecy, and he accuses the guard of being bribed by someone to bury Polynices.

What is John referring to when he says it tells you that a minister may pray to god without he have golden candlesticks upon the altar?

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John is likely referring to the idea that a minister doesn't need extravagant symbols or decorations, like golden candlesticks, in order to pray to God. He is emphasizing that prayer is a personal and spiritual connection that doesn't require elaborate rituals or material possessions.

Is thesus and the minotaur a myth or legend?

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The story of Theseus and the Minotaur is considered a myth. Myths typically involve gods and supernatural beings, while legends focus on historical events and figures.

What is Antigone's fatal flaw in 'Antigone'?

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Antigone's fatal flaw in the play "Antigone" is her excessive pride and defiance against authority. This leads her to disobey the law and bury her brother against the King's orders, ultimately causing her tragic downfall. Her stubbornness and unwavering devotion to her values result in her tragic end.

What is the summary of 'Anna Karenina'?

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"Anna Karenina" is a novel by Leo Tolstoy that tells the story of the titular character, Anna Karenina, who enters into a scandalous affair with Count Vronsky, which leads to tragedy. The novel also explores the interconnected lives of various characters in Russian society, highlighting themes of love, society, morality, and fate.

In what year was 'Oedipus Rex' written?

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Sophocles is the author of "Oedipus Rex" and "Antigone."

Specifically, the ancient Greek dramatist (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.) authored a huge number of plays during the fifth century B.C.E. He dealt with the story of disgraced Theban King Oedipus in three of his seven surviving plays. He wrote "Antigone" around 440 B.C.E. and "Oedipus Rex" some ten years later, around 430 B.C.E.

What to say when your interviewer asks you your strength and weaknesses?

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When asked about your strengths, focus on skills or qualities relevant to the job you're applying for. For weaknesses, mention an area you are actively working to improve, such as time management or public speaking, and share steps you've taken to address it, like taking a training course or seeking mentorship. Emphasize your willingness to learn and grow.

Who is the tragic hero in Antigone?

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The tragic hero in Antigone is generally considered to be Creon. He is a respected king who experiences a downfall due to his tragic flaw of excessive pride and stubbornness. His actions lead to a series of tragic events, ultimately resulting in his own personal suffering and the loss of his family.

What is an example of dramatic irony in 'Antigone'?

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The fate of Antigone as engaged to be married is an example of dramatic irony in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).

Specifically, Theban Princess Antigone is engaged to be married to her first cousin, Prince Haemon. But their engagement is ended with Antigone's being sentenced to death by King Creon, her uncle and intended father-in-law. Instead, Antigone's final resting place within a remote, walled up cave is described, dramatically and ironically, as her marriage bower. Antigone's final outfit for her eternal imprisonment is described, dramatically and ironically, as her wedding dress. Antigone's final march to her cavernous prison is described, dramatically and ironically, as her wedding procession. Antigone's final breaths as the air is used up in the cave are described, dramatically and ironically, as her eternal marriage to Death.

What are examples of a symbol?

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word S-Y-M-B-O-L is a symbol which contains combination of six symbols, which are know as letters. But we understand what it means because we associate word 'symbol' with it meaning. In the similar way is all our life: symbol 'H2O' - means water, even they don't are not similar at all; symbol '?' means that we have question etc

Are Oedipus and Creon brothers?

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No, Theban Kings Creon and Oedipus aren't half brothers. Instead, their relationship is one of brothers-in-law and of uncle to nephew. They're brothers-in-law, because Oedipus is married to Creon's sister, Theban Queen Jocasta. Their relationship also is one of uncle to nephew, because Oedipus actually and unknowingly is his wife's son from her first marriage to Oedipus' father, deceased Theban King Laius.

Who is the messenger in Oedipus?

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The messenger has no name, but only brings the information from Corinth, Oedipus' childhood home, that Oedipus' adoptive father, Polybus, is dead. Oedipus is happy because he thinks Polybus is his biological father and he didn't kill him so he defied the prophecy. That is the purpose of the messenger.

What do the of Thebes want Oedipus to do for them?

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If I remember correctly, Thebes was being threatened by a Sphinx and no one had been able to answer the riddle it required to leave them alone. Anyone who attempted to answer and failed was killed by the Sphinx. Oedipus said he would try to answer the riddle because he wanted to free the people of Thebes and obtain the reward the king was offering.

Who is Sophocles in 'Oedipus the King'?

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Sophocles, the author of the play, speaks through the oracle.

Who is Oedipus in relation to Antigone?

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Theban King Oedipus is father to and half brotherof Antigone. Specifically, he and his daughter have the same mother. But Oedipus is Theban Queen Jocasta's only child from her first marriage to Theban King Laius. Antigone is one of four children that Jocasta has in her second marriage, to her own son.

Is Haimon Antigone's cousin?

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Yes, Haemon is Antigone's cousin. His father Theban King Creon is the brother of Antigone's mother, Theban Queen Jocasta. Jocasta also is the mother of her second husband, Theban King Oedipus. So Haemon is first cousin to both Antigone and Antigone's father.

Is Oedipus the king the same as Oedipus Rex?

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Yes. In many ways. Oedipus Rex follows many of the same tragic concepts that Star Wars borrows from in the prequels, and the redemtive death of Oedipus in Oedipus at Colonus is similar to Anakin's death in episode VI. Also, on a more superficial level, there are incestual themes with Luke and Leia, though they don't know that they are siblings, as with Oedipus' relationship with his mother. The premonitions Anakin faces can also be likened to Tiresias' prophecies, both of which reveal painful truths to the hero.

What is the role of dramatic irony in Greek plays?

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Its just greek culture!

What is the similarity between the Greek myths about Antigone and Danae?

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It's difficult to find similarities between Antigone and her sister Ismene. The main similarity is their thinking about the consequences of their acts. Even in this similarity, they're different. For Antigone looks at both the short and the long terms. She considers the insult to her brother Polyneices, her family, and herself over the denial of god-given rights. She also factors in the impact during life and death of knowingly letting her brother be mistreated. And she thinks about the chilling reception that she may receive in the underworld of the dead if she allows a Theban not to receive god-given rights to proper funerary procedures. In contrast, Ismene situates consequences within the context of the impact on her legal position and social standing. She thinks everything of being in compliance with the ruler and the powers that be, and nothing of being obedient to the higher moral authority of the gods and to the ties of blood, friendship, and love.

What is sentry post?

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The military term 'sentry' typically refers to a person who is standing guard at an installation entry point. Examples are military police, security forces, and security police. Other terms used to describe a sentry are gate guard and entry controller.