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Q: What is Possible Treatment Simple And Compound Fractures?
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What are some common types of fractures?

The two main categories of fractures are simple and compound. Simple means the break did not come thru the skin and compound means that the break is exposed.

How can fractures be classified?

include simple, compound, incomplete and complete. Simple fractures (more recently called "closed") are not obvious as the skin has not been ruptured and remains intact

Why is compound fracture the most serious injury?

A simple fracture, more accurately called a closed fracture, is a fracture that does not involve a break of the skin. A compound fracture, called an open fracture, is a fracture in which bone fragments cause a break in the skin. These fractures require antibiotics and, in most cases, surgical washout and repair to prevent infection.

What types of fractures is the simplest type?

compound or open Comminuted Green stick Simple or closed

Can you use a compound subject in a simple sentence?

Yes, it is possible to use a compound subject in a simple sentence. A compound subject consists of two or more subjects that are connected by a coordinating conjunction such as "and" or "or." For example, "Sara and Emma went to the park" is a simple sentence with a compound subject "Sara and Emma."

What are the three types of bone injuries?

There are two main catorgories of fractures. Complete and incomplete. A complete fracture is what we would usually refer to as a break (but that is not a medical term). An incomplete fracture is a hairline fracture, when the bone is cracked or patially broken. Another incomplete fracture is a greenstick, when the bone is broken on one side causing it to bend. Some coplete fractures are the simple fracture, where the bone is broken into two, straight across. Then the oblique fracture is very similar except it is broken on an angle. The spiral fracture is broken on an angle the twisted. Compound fracture is when the bone breaks through the skin. The comminuted fracture is a multi-fragmentary fracture.

What is a simple fracture and a compound fracture?

a fracture in which skin is intact at site of fracture is a closed fracture or simple fracture whereas compound fracture or an open fracture is a fracture in which the skin is perforated and there is an open wound down to the site of the fracture.

Is pepper leaf is a simple or compound leaf?

Simple leaf

What are bone fractures?

A simple fracture is one that has not broken the skin.

Why is a compound fracture piercing the skin is a more serious injury than a simple fracture?

That is a very good question! Open verses closed fractures make all the difference. In skin piercing or open fractures, you have contamination of the broken bone with bacteria. The bone infections are very difficult to treat.

Is avocado leaf a compound or simple?

It is compound.

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