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Elizabeth I (7 September 1533 - 24 March 1603)

Elizabeth brought prosperity and growth to England despite threats from foreign powers. Her reign in fact is considered one of England's most notable periods, dubbed the Elizabethan or Golden Age. The era was decorated with the great figures of literature, drama, art and exploration with the work William Shakespeare (Elizabeth was present for the opening night of A Midsummer Night's Dream!), Sir Francis Drake, Edmund Spenser and Sir Walter Raleigh.

Elizabeth also helped arts prosper by sponsoring dance, theater, literature and classical learning.

Elizabeth, never having married, died in 1603, leaving the throne to her cousin, James VI of Scotland, son of Mary Stuart. So ended the amazing tale of the Tudor Monarchy.

Elizabeth I is so well known because she was Queen of England 17 November 1558 - 24 March 1603 when she died.

She was sometimes called The Virgin Queen, Gloriana, The Faerie Queen or Good Queen Bess,

Because she was the Queen of England. She was also very loved by her people. She also had very amazing achievements.
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12y ago
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12y ago

Queen Elizabeth's cousin was Mary queen of Scott's- who then had a son ( James 1st ) who became king of England after Elizabeth died without an heir.

- she was know for being extremely catholic. Where as Elizabeth was prosant. and when Mary tried to take the throne from Elizabeth, Elizabeth killed Mary Which then drove Phillip of Spain (also a very strong Catholic start the Spanish Amanda.

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12y ago

She was famous because she was a queen, She also fort in wars and was one of the best queens in that period of time.

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13y ago

the answer is that she did so many famous things that there is not a answer

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13y ago

A long 64 year reign

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13y ago

because she is the queen !

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