

What is RH blood and what doe that mean for my future?

Updated: 9/16/2019
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12y ago

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Rh blood just means you do not have a specific antigen in your blood. It doesn't mean you will have any health issues, but more concerning is if you were to become pregnant.

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Q: What is RH blood and what doe that mean for my future?
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If you have A and your husband has A- would that hurt the baby or keep us from having a baby?

No. I assume that by A you mean you are A+. Since you have Rh+ blood, there is no risk in carrying a baby with Rh+ or Rh- blood. A woman who is Rh- can still have a baby with an Rh+ partner as long as she is treated and the doctor is aware of the partner's blood type.

What does it mean when a newborn has b positive blood?

If a newborn has B positive blood, it means his blood has the B antigen and is Rh positive. There are 4 blood types: A, B, AB, and O. There are two Rh types Rh positive, Rh positive and Rh negative. That simply means what type of blood the baby would receive if it needed a transfusion.

What does rh mean in a persons blood type?

RH means it is a protein on the surface of red blood cells.The concerns are mostly in pregnancy. If you are RH negative and the father of the baby is RH positive and If a small amount of the baby's blood mixes with your blood it will act as if it is allergic to the baby. It may cause a miscarriage

What does RHD mean?

Rh blood group, D antigen

What does Rh positive blood mean and how is it differerent to RH negative blood?

Your blood type is determined (genetically) by the presence or absence of specific surface antigens on the membrane of the RBC. The most important RBC surface antigens are A, B and Rh.Blood can be either Rh positive(Rh+) or Rh negative (Rh-) depending on the presence (Rh+) or absence of the Rh antigen (Rh-) on the surface of the cell.Unlike the ABO system, type Rh- blood does not normally carry anti-Rh antibodies, unless the individual has been sensitized by previous exposure (usually pregnancy).The most common blood type is O+.

What is Rh positive and Rh negative mean?

Rh factor is a protein that is found in the blood of about 85% of the population. Those who have the factor are Rh positive, while those who don't, are Rh negative. A person who is Rh negative can safely donate blood to persons with or without the protein. A person who is Rh positive can only donate to those who are Rh positive.

Why can a person with rh- blood not receive rh plus blood?

The person with Rh- blood will begin to make antibodies against Rh+ upon exposure. This may not occur with the first transfusion - but it is still not recommended to give an Rh- person Rh+ blood.

What happens in the blood of an RH negative who is exposed to RH positive blood?

severe reaction, because rh-ve person can't get rh+ve blood.

What does Rh stands for?

Rh is an antigen. If you have the antigen, your blood type is A+, B+, AB+, or O+. If you don't have the antigen, your blood type is A-, B-, AB-, or O-. People WITH the Rh antigen, can receive from/give to people with Rh+ or Rh-. People WITHOUT the Rh antigen, can ONLY receive from/give to people with Rh- blood. (meaning people without the antigen) If Rh- and Rh+ blood comes in contact, the Rh- will produce antibodies towards Rh+, and at the second contact with the blood, will cause agglutination.

Three reasons why fetal blood must not mix with maternal blood?

Number one: If you are RH- and your baby RH+, and your blood mixes with your baby's, it could become sensitized. Your body could begin producing antibodies to the RH+ blood. If these antibodies get to an unborn baby, they can begin killing off the baby's red blood cells. This is called RH disease. It is rare for it to affect a first baby, but if the mother becomes sensitized and produces antibodies to RH+ blood, it could cause problems for future babies. RH disease is very serious; however, recent medical advances allow 90% of babies with RH disease to survive (March of Dimes).

Is there blood banks in my area with rh blood?

Rh blood is the most complex genetically of all blood types. It is known that a mother who is pregnant and has Rh- and the father has Rh+, it can cause birth defects in the child. If you are recieving a blood transfusion though this does not apply. You can either recieve Rh- or Rh+. All blood types negative or positive all have Rh blood types in them. The problem you may be experiencing which may take you awhile to recieve blood is that you may have Rh- negative blood which means that you cannot recieve Rh-negative or Rh+negative, and you can only recieve Rh- negative, but yes all blood banks will carry Rh blood, this type of blood though may be more common in different types of people though.

Is there a difference between Rh neg blood group and a B neg blood group?

RH- and RH+ are not blood types, they are factors.