

What is Residual soil?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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6y ago

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has bedrock as its parent material

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Albert Roberts

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2y ago
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it is peimont

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Q: What is Residual soil?
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The mineral composotion of a residual soil is most affected by the?

The mineral composition of a residual soil is most affected by the depth and soil formation processes

What is the soil that remains above its parent rock?

residual soil

What is the mineral composition of a residual soil?

The mineral composition of a residual soil differs and can be determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD) tests

What soil is formed from the same material as the bedrock beneath it?

residual soil

What is below bedrock?

residual soil is below

What is an example of residual soil?

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Soil remaining on top of the bedrock from which it formed?

Residual soil is the soil formed from the weathering of the bedrock.

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Difference between residual soil and transported soil?

Soil that remains at the place of formation is called residual soil. It is usually formed from chemical or physical weathering and eventually covers the parent rock. the characteristics of residual soil depends on the that of the parent rock.The weathered pieces of rocks that have been carried by several agents like wind and water and finally breaks down into further small pieces to settle down is called transported soil. They are very fertile as they consist of minerals from a variety of transported rocks.

Soils formed on bedrock are termed?

If you are asking for the name of such soils, they are soils formed in residuum, or residual soils. Typically, the soil profile grades into a degraded bedrock called saprolite, with depth, before hiyting hard bedrock.

What is Soil that has been moved to a location away from its parent bedrock called?

what is soil that has been moved to a location away from its parent bedrock is called

What is the difference between residual and transported parent materials?

Residual soil remains on top of its parent rock while transported is moved from its place of origin.