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There is no proof for the reality of life after death or the existence of a soul. Belief/faith is not proof. Statements in Holy Texts are not proof. Tests biased to prove a point are not proof.

A test to prove the yea or nay on this issue would have to be a double blind test, with testers and participants unaware of the results meaning, observation criteria and interpretation criteria set up beforehand, and having numerous blank tests. No pro-soul group has complied with these needs. No non-soul group figurs it is worth the effort. There is a source of energy that exists within an organism (person) giving it/them life the absence of this energy causes death. This life giving energy is referred to as a soul or spirit


It is suggested that a body can continue to exist with the use of technology but in the absence of a soul it cannot be alive. A soul is believed to exist as a shroud of pure conscious energy that is beyond physical containment or measurement. It is perceived to exist within a sphere that is beyond the purview of scientific knowledge. The concept of a soul suggests that it cannot experience physical sensations or have direct interactions with elements within a physical realm.


Life is just a perception. you do not see with your eyes, feel with your body, taste with your tongue, smell with your nose, or hear with your ears. All of those things are done with your brain, and the eyes, body, tongue, nose, and ears are just tools for your brain to perceive the world with. Matter is an illusion if you stopped the connection between your eyes and your brain you wouldn't see anything, but you would still hear, taste, feel, and smell everything. If you cut off your connection to your nerves you would not feel anything or bump into anything. So basicly with out your "tools" matter does not exist. If this is true and your brain (made of matter) does not exist either then who is it that is perceiving this world that you are in? Many people would call that thing that you use to percieve the world with your "soul", but you can call it anything you'd like.

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In most modern religions that believe in an afterlife, the soul and spirit are essentially synonymous. They teach that a person essentially consists of a physical body that must die, and a soul that lives forever. The soul or spirit has never been scientifically proven to be real, but many formal religions, past and present, have taught that people have a soul which continues to exist in some form after the death of the physical body.

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you mean 'soul', like spirit?it's not even living so it has no soul