

What is Saturn often called?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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The Lord of the Rings, for obvious reasons. The ringed planet

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Q: What is Saturn often called?
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What was Saturn called in roman mythology?

Saturn was called Saturn in roman mythology. Saturn in greek myth was called Cronus.

What planets are larger and mostly of gasses?

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, which are often called "the gas giants".

Which planet is often called the ringed planet?

Saturn is often called the ringed planet because it has more rings than any other planet in the solar system, and they are the most visible.

Roman name for Saturn?

They called it Saturn.

What date did Saturn get called Saturn?

Saturn has been called Saturn since ancient times.

Can Saturn be seen with the unaided eye?

Yes, Saturn is often easy to see.

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The discovery of Galileo called Saturn

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What is the title of the planet Saturn?

Well Durr It Is Called Saturn!!??

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It was the fifth rocket in the Saturn-class, named after the planet Saturn, or the Mythological god Saturn.

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it is called voyager 1went to saturn.