

What is Second law of thermo?

Updated: 5/21/2024
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14y ago

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The simple answer is that if you look at all the energy that changes form in a process the resulting energy will have less potentail to do useful work.

or as Kelvin put it "No process is possible in which the sole result is the adsorption of heat from a reservoir and its complete conversion to work"

Take a bouncy ball. when you drop it, and it bounces back its not as high as where it started, that difference in energy went into the sound and friction associated with the collision and the air resistance. That energy is no longer "useful".

The Current standard text for thermodynamics is Atkins Physical Chemistry states:

The entropy (S) of an isolated system will increase in the course of a spontaneous change.

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1w ago

The second law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy of an isolated system can never decrease over time. It suggests that in any spontaneous process, the overall tendency is towards an increase in entropy, or disorder, within the system. This law helps to define the direction in which natural processes occur and sets limits on efficiency.

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7y ago

The question has a problem - Newton stated laws of MOTION, not laws of Thermodynamics.

Newton's Second Law of MOTION states:

"In an inertial reference frame, the sum of the Forces Fon an object is equal to the mass m of that object multiplied by the acceleration a of the object (F = ma)."

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7y ago

There is no such thing.There is "Newton's Second Law", and there is the "Second Law of Thermodynamics". Those are two different, and quite unrelated, laws.

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