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SC is 48 in the nation. That's very bad.

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Q: What is South Carolina's national ranking in terms of public schools?
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Are there rankings for public schools by state?

There are seldom official listings. There are many different ways of rating schools. Some states release the results of standardized tests and rank schools that way. In the US, US News and World Report does a ranking of public high schools based on the types of exams taken.

When and in what year did U.S. News and World Report publish its very first ranking of public high schools in the USA?

I am guessing around 1990

What kind of schools are there in Mexico?

Public as well as private schools. There are management, medicine or engineering schools. The most important public schools in Mexico include the UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, National Autonomous University of Mexico) an the IPN (Instituto Politécnico Nacional - National Polytechnic Institute).

Do Private schools have better facilities than public schools?

Private schools often have more resources and funding to invest in facilities, such as modern technology, specialized equipment, and smaller class sizes. This can lead to better facilities compared to public schools in some cases. However, there are exceptions, and some public schools may also have excellent facilities, depending on their location and funding.

How is public school different from non public schools?

In the U.S. public schools are free and non public (private) schools are not. In Great Britain, some schools we in the U.S. would call private schools are called public schools.

Does Switzerland have public schools?

most of the schools are public

Are online schools better than public schools or are public schools easier than online schools why?

The effectiveness of online versus public schools can vary depending on individual preferences, learning styles, and needs. Online schools offer flexibility and personalized learning, whereas public schools provide social interaction and extracurricular opportunities. Both have their advantages and challenges, and the suitability of each option depends on the student's unique circumstances.

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Do public schools wear uniform?

Most public schools dont, but in some schools they do.

Are Public Schools Free?

Yes public schools are free.

Are most public schools dangerous for kids?

What you heard about public schools isn't true. Public schools are just as safe as private schools. Public schools depend on the neighborhood. If the school is located in a good neighborhood you have nothing to worry about.

What is the Importance of National Achievement Tests?

National Achievement test is important because it test the knowledge of every private and public school students to know improvement of the quality of education in public schools and to provide appropriate intervention for the students.