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Goddess of the underworld (River Styx)

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Q: What is Styx in Greek mythology?
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Where is the Underworld in Greek mythology?

pass the river styx

How does kratos die in greek mythology?

Kratos does not die in Greek mythology, he is the god of "strength", son of Styx and Pallas.

What is the underworlds chief river in greek mythology?

The river Styx

What is styx ferryman?

Styx is a Underworld river in Greek mythology, and also a goddess. The ferryman Kharon crossed the Underworld river Akheron, not the Styx.

Who was the official ferryman for the Greek underworld?

Charon was the man who sailed the ferry across the River Styx to Tartarus.

What is a song with a reference to Greek mythology?

The band Styx's name finds its origin in Greek mythology; the river Styx is the most famous of the five found in the underworld. Gods and men alike swore oaths on it.

In Greek mythology what was the name of the river which rendered Achillies invincible?

The river Styx.

In Greek Mythology what river did one have to cross to reach Elysium?

The River Styx.

Does the river styx get mentioned in the Bible?

No, the River Styx is not in the Bible. According to the Webster Dictionary, it is the principal river of the underworld in Greek mythology.

Where does river Styx live?

Styx is a river which perhaps was imagined to flow in both Arcadia and in the Underworld of Greek mythology. Styx herself was imagined to dwell in a palace in the Underworld.

What does styx originate?

In Greek mythology the Styx was a Underworld river upon which the gods and goddesses swore oaths. Styx was also the name of the goddess of the river Styx, and mother of Nike, Kratos, Zelos, and Bia.

What is the name of the underworld river?

It is called Stix and Heraculs used it to get Cerberus out of the UnderWorld