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Q: What is Subrogation and contribution as collaries of the principle of indemnity?
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Subrogation and contribution as a corollaries of the principles of indemnity?

The principle of indemnity is one of the most important rules in insurance. The principle of subrogation and indemnity protects someone from multiple claims.

What is subrogation and contribution as a corollaries of the principle of indeminity?

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What is indemnity in principle?

The principle of indemnity is the principle of restoration after a loss. It restores the injured party to the original position he was before the loss occured.

Does the principle of indemnity state that the insured can be compensated for an amount equal to his economic loss?

The principle Êof indemnity state that the insured Êcan be compensated for an amount equal to his economic loss Êbut not more. This means an insured cannot be compensated an amount exceedingÊeconomic loss.Ê

Insurance works on the principle?

insurance works on the principle of indemnity, law of large numbers, principles of utmost faith etc.

In real estate what is the principle of contribution?

In real estate the principle of contribution is that the value of a component of property depends upon its contribution to the value of the whole property. The cost of an improvement does not necessarily equal the value the component adds to the property.

What is auto insurance based on?

All insurance is based on the principle of "Indemnity". Regulatory wise often refers to "Financial Responsibility".

How does liability policy follow the principle of indemnity?

The liability coverage on your insurance policy provides compensation for a another party to whom you may be liable for loss or damages. The intent under the principle of indemnity is to make whole, or to restore the claimant / injured party through compensation as realistically as possible to the previous condition before the loss occurred.

What was Werner Heinsberg's contribution to the atomic theory?

The most important contribution of Werner Heisenberg was the discovery of the uncertainty principle.

What is a Counter Guarantee?

A counter guarantee is a guarantee given by the surety to the principle debtor providing him with continuing indemnity against the loss or damage that the surety may suffer on account of default on the part of the principle debtor

What principle of law has been Rome's greatest contribution to modern legal systems?

Roman law wass based on the principle of rights, which the Romans called ius.

What is the difference between the warranties?

The term indemnity normally is used in context to insurance. Indemnity means putting the party in the same financial position before he/she has entered into a contract. In other words Indemnity is to make good a loss. Most insurance contracts are based on the principle of Indemnity. So when you take out an insurance policy the Insurer (ie the Company) will shield you from financial loss if a specified event happens and you fulfill all the laid conditions. Warranty is normally used in connection to a product. It is a promise to make something work properly, to maintain its usefulness or performance for a period of time. The seller is under obligation to repair or provide a replacement if the product / serice doesnot perform as intended. The term indemnity normally is used in context to insurance. Indemnity means putting the party in the same financial position before he/she has entered into a contract. In other words Indemnity is to make good a loss. Most insurance contracts are based on the principle of Indemnity. So when you take out an insurance policy the Insurer (ie the Company) will shield you from financial loss if a specified event happens and you fulfill all the laid conditions. Warranty is normally used in connection to a product. It is a promise to make something work properly, to maintain its usefulness or performance for a period of time. The seller is under obligation to repair or provide a replacement if the product / serice doesnot perform as intended.