

What is Syrias plan?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What is Syrias plan?
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Which body of water forms part of syrias coastline?

Mediterranean A+

Who are Syrias friends?

America and its allies it was with Iran but turned when the economy broke

Where do almost half of syrias people live?

They live mostly closer to the east than the south

What is Syrias contient?

The country of Syria is located on the continent of Asia. The capitol of Syria is Damascus and the country has 22.4 million residents.

What are Syrias religions?

Muslims Come First Christians are Second and there used to be a huge tribe of Jews in Aleppo that later immigrated to Israel.

What is Syrias religions?

The main religion in Syria is the Islam (Sunni) about 80% and then Christianity about 10% of the population

Which body of water forms part os Syrias coastline?

surface water, ground water, and man-made lakes and dams.

Why are they in conflict with turkey and Syria?

turkey is in conflict with syria, because the Euphrates river starts in turkey and runs through syria and turkey is damming it up and the start so they get a lot of water, but syrias getting very little water so they are mad at turkeyType your answer here...

Why doesnt Syrias other towns rebel against its regime instead of the village of Homs?

soon or later we will see all towns and cities in syria rebel against the syrian brutal regime, becuase of the continuos massacares against syrian people this will urge other areas to join uprising.

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plan-arian plan-less plan-tain plan-ter plan-isphere

How do you say the awesome plan in German?

the awesome plan - der tolle Plan an awesome plan - ein toller Plan awesome plan - toller Plan

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A plan within a plan or backup plan.