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Q: What is The action of removing air or oxygen to put out a fire?
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How does water put out fire?

Fire needs oxygen from the air just like we do. When water gets poured on it, it suffocates and goes out.

What organ is responsible for removing oxygen from air?

The lungs are responsible for removing oxygen from the air we breathe and transferring it into the bloodstream for distribution to the body's cells. This process occurs through gas exchange in the alveoli, tiny air sacs within the lungs.

How does fire affect air?

Part of air is made up of oxygen without which fire can't happen. Air can feed a fire; it contains oxygen.

Why does fire need air?

Fire needs the oxygen in the air. Any other source of oxygen would also sustain fire.

What do fire extinguishers remove from the fire triangle?

It depends upon what kind of extinguisher it is. Water, for example, removes the heat from a fire by turning into steam and by removing available air/oxygen from the flames. Other extinguishers remove the oxygen from the fire or change the chemical reaction to stop the fire from converting the fuel to a flammable substance with the available heat.

What is a Source of oxygen for a fire?

the air

What is the source of oxygen for a fire?

the air

What is an oxygen fed-fire?

An oxygen-fed fire is a fire that is fueled by an increased supply of oxygen, resulting in a more intense and faster-burning fire. It can be more difficult to control and extinguish due to the higher oxygen levels supporting combustion.

What gas in the air do you need to make fire?

Oxygen is the gas needed to make fire. It supports the combustion process by reacting with the fuel to produce heat and light.

Does fire need air to breathe?

No, fire does not "breathe" air like animals do. Air is necessary for fire to burn because it contains the oxygen that fuels the combustion process. Without oxygen, fires cannot start or continue burning.

What removes air out a room during a fire?

the reaction that makes fire is fueled by oxygen therefore as the fire burns the oxygen molecules are consumed

Why does flame require air to burn?

fire needs oxygen to burn, because fire is a chemical reaction that needs oxygen. the fire triangle is what fire needs to burn and is this- heat, fuel, and oxygen.