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Q: What is The equation of state is not dependent upon this?
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Is there a regulatory agency for elderly services?

Yes, in the United States, the U.S. Administration on Aging (AoA) oversees the Older Americans Act and provides funding for various programs and services for older adults. Additionally, state agencies on aging and adult protective services regulate and oversee services for the elderly at the state level.

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No, its a sovereign state, which is defined as a state which administers its own government, and is not dependent upon, or subject to, another power.

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In the United States, an 18-year-old can still be claimed as a dependent on their parents' tax return if they meet the criteria for a qualifying child, which includes factors like age, residency, and financial support. However, the rules for claiming dependents can vary by country and individual circumstances, so it's best to consult a tax professional for personalized advice.

What is more general between Schrodinger time independent or time dependent wave equation?

The time dependent equation is more general. The time independent equation only applies to standing waves.

A state's authority is dependent upon the successful amalgamation and interplay of four factors?

mandate, manner, support and consent, and expectations

What are the applications of time dependent Schrodingers equation?

Being a physicist I do not know too much about the applications. But in general the time dependent Schrodinger Equation tells us how a quantum state evolves in time. I believe this might be applicable to things like flash/thumb drives, and computers in general.

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The magnitude of the electric potential is dependent upon the particle's charge and the electric field strength.

What is electric potential dependent upon?

The magnitude of the electric potential is dependent upon the particle's charge and the electric field strength.

Which would be the independent variable and which would be the dependent variable?

A dependent variable is usually on the side of the equation by itself. The independent variable usually has something being done to it. And, the dependent variable is usually written to the left of the equation.

The carrying capacity of a given environment is least dependent upon?

The carrying capacity is least dependent upon daily temperature fluctuations.

How was the south dependent on slavery?

The economy of the South was dependent upon slave labor.

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