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Renaissance. It means "rebirth "

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Q: What is The rebirth of interest in classical Greek and Roman ideas is called?
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Related questions

What does a rebirth of classical learning mean?

A rebirth of classical learning refers to a revival or resurgence of interest in the study of ancient Greek and Roman literature, philosophy, and art. This revival often involves a renewed focus on the values, ideals, and intellectual pursuits of the classical period, leading to an appreciation for the wisdom and knowledge of ancient civilizations.

What was the renaissance a rebirth of?

Art & learning.

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What During the renaissance there was a revival of interest in?

During the Renaissance, there was a revival of interest in Renaissance, or in french as "Rebirth" period in European civilization immediately following the Middle Ages and conventionally held to have been characterized by a surge of interest in Classical scholarship and values(:, hope it helped

How did the Crusades help cause the beginning of the Renaissance?

They brought back ancient Roman and Greek texts and the Renaissance is the rebirth of these classical, philisophical ideas.

Explain in your own words the meanings of the words rebirth and classical.?

Rebirth refers to a new beginning or revival, often associated with spiritual or philosophical renewal. Classical typically refers to something of high quality, traditional, or indicative of ancient Greek or Roman style, especially in the arts and literature.

What did Renaissance scholars think was being re-born?

Renaissance scholars believed that they were witnessing the rebirth or revival of classical Greek and Roman learning, art, and culture. They sought to revive the knowledge and achievements of ancient civilizations, leading to a renewed interest in humanism, science, and the arts.

How did the interest in Greek roman classical literature affect the renaissance?

It have people who dont like there aruthors

How did the interest in Greek and Roman classical literature renaissance authors?

It have people who dont like there aruthors

How did the crusades contribute to the rise of the Renaissance?

The crusaders were exposed to classical Greek and Roman art and ideas while in Constantinople. this led to the rebirth of knowledge also known as the renaissance.

How did the 4th crusade spread greek and roman ideas?

It did not do much. In those days there was little interest in the classics (the Greeks and the Romans). This started nearly two centuries later with the Italian Renaissance (rebirth of interest in the classics). The fourth crusade was the siege and sack of Constantinople. There was no interest in Greek and Roman learning.

Where classical Greek and Roman ideas rediscovered?

Yes, the rediscovery and use of the classical ideas was called the Renaissance.Yes, the rediscovery and use of the classical ideas was called the Renaissance.Yes, the rediscovery and use of the classical ideas was called the Renaissance.Yes, the rediscovery and use of the classical ideas was called the Renaissance.Yes, the rediscovery and use of the classical ideas was called the Renaissance.Yes, the rediscovery and use of the classical ideas was called the Renaissance.Yes, the rediscovery and use of the classical ideas was called the Renaissance.Yes, the rediscovery and use of the classical ideas was called the Renaissance.Yes, the rediscovery and use of the classical ideas was called the Renaissance.