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Q: What is Two or more types of particles that do not mix uniformly when put together?
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What particles have more energy solid or gas?

Gas because the particles are not packed as tight and closely together as the particles of a solid therefore they move around more.

Are gas particles held more tightly than liquid particles?

gas particles are not held together and in liquid sthey are not held very tightly.

Why is water warmer than land?

it depends on how much heat particles are in the water and air ? and because water is a fluid so the particles are closer together not letting as many particles in as air with has more spaced out particles letting more heat particles in

How do solute and solvent particles fit together?

When they both are attracted to each other then the particles fit together

Why do clothes that are bulky and take up space keep you warm?

as it has fibres in them where the particles make you warm as they became more heated(thermal energy) and the particles are more closer together

Are particles in a liquid closer together and lower in energy than those in a solid?

Particles in a solid are closer together and lower in energy than those in a liquid. The closer together particles are, the less they move. Since the amount of motion directly corresponds to the internal energy, a substance with closer particles will have less internal energy. When particles are close together and move less, the structure is more stable than when they move around more freely. Therefore a solid, which is very stable, has closer particles and less energy than a liquid, which is less stable, which in turn has closer particles and less energy than a gas, which is very unstable in its structure.

Do particles move faster in a gas or liquid?

Particles generally move faster in a gas compared to a liquid. In a gas, particles have more energy and move more freely and quickly as they are not as tightly packed as in a liquid. Conversely, in a liquid, particles are closer together and interact more, resulting in slower movement.

Why do liquids flow easily while solids do not?

The particles in quids are more malleable/ easily shaped, since they aren't as close together as particles in solids.

True or false The particles of a liquid are packed more closely together than the particles of a gas and therefore don't have as much movement?


Pure water is an example of?

...Liquid. Everything in the world is a liquid, solid or a gas. In a Solid the particles are very close together and the particles can't move very easily. In a Liquid the particles are a bit more free they are less cramped together. In a Gas there are not many particles so they can move very freely.

What word discribs particles that are made up of two or more atoms joined together?

A molecule.

What word describes particles that are made up of two or more atoms joined together?
