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cmp file1 file2

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Q: What is UNIX commands for the compare files but stops at first occurrence of a difference?
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How do you compare two HTML files using dos commands?

Go to the command prompt and type COMP and press return. You will be asked in turn for the files you want to compare.

What is the difference between the ls and ls -al commands?

ls --> will list the files and directories but ls -a --> will list the hidden files too, by Dhanush M

Which type of commands in DOS needs additional files for their execution?

External Commands

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Unlock files in directory using dos commands?

Dos commands are used to create or delete directories. The ATTRIB Command is used for locking and unlocking of files.

What are batch files?

Batch files are text files containing a series of commands to execute set of commands or run programs in a sequence. Batch files are like a script which, instead of entering and running individual commands are useful in saving time and executing programs even when computer user is not present. Batch files are useful for repetitive tasks (you do not need to enter all the commands every time you repeat the task). MS-DOS and Windows batch files end with .bat extension.

What is the difference between the commands compress and pack?

The pack command's algorithm uses Huffman encoding to compress files. This algorithm has fundamental limitations. Consequently, the pack command can only consistently compress files under 8MB. To consistently compress files larger than 8MB, use the compress command.

How can you read and write to files in C programming language?

We can read and write to files with the help of file commands in c programming.There are so many commands related to file for read,write,append,delete etc.

Where is the button that you click to find commands to open and close your files?

Go to file.

What do you click to display a menu of common commands for managing documents and files?


What do executable files usually have?

Executable files usually contain a header, which identifies it as an executable file, and a list of commands to be executed by the processor.

How do you compare one XML file with many XML files?

you could use an xml tool that would allow you to compare the files, most xml tools normally refer to this feature as xml diff, it allows you to compare differences in multiple xml files.