

What is Venture Travels?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Person who travels where no one else has been?

An explorer is a person who travels to unknown or remote places where no one else has been before, seeking out new experiences and discoveries. They often venture into uncharted territories to map out and learn about unfamiliar locations.

How can you do sentences with venture?

I venture in to the woods.

What is an antonym for venture?

the antonym of the word venture is bore, bored because venture is to be doing an activity

When was Venture Magazine created?

Venture Magazine was founded in 1967.

Is venture an adjective an adverb or verb?

The word 'venture' is both a verb and a noun. Examples:Verb: My mom won't venture out at night.Noun: The venture did not look like a good investment.For terms like 'venture capital', the noun venture is forming a compound noun with capital, not as an adjective.

What does venturing mean?

ventured is verb of venture; it means risks or hazards taken for following: a) in business for profit; b) for merriment and adventure as if in mountaineering c) dare to say something bold.

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Tagalog Translation of VENTURE: pangangahas

Can you give me a sentence using the word venture?

i venture into the wild

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It is Venture DEFFINETLY

When was Tata Venture created?

Tata Venture was created in 2010.