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Q: What is a 4 letter word for ' to lament '?
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How do you make a sentence with the word lament?

I lament the fact that you are having trouble using this word.

Can the word lament be used as a noun?

Yes, the word 'lament' is a noun as well as a verb. The noun 'lament' is a word for a crying out in grief, a song or poem expressing deep grief or mourning, a lamentation, a thing. Example sentence: The minister read a beautiful lament at dad's service.

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What 6 letter word can be madefrom maneermthlx?

You can use maneermthlx to create a few different 6 letter words including mental, mantle, mantel and lament.

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What is a sentence using the word lement?

To lament is to grieve over the loss of something or someone. Or a lament is a mournful poem or song.

What is the noun form of lament?

The word 'lament' is both a noun (lament, laments) and a verb (lament, laments, lamenting, lamented).The noun 'lament' is a singular, common noun; a word for sadness expressed about a death or loss in the form of verse or song, or crying.The noun forms of the verb to lament are lamenter, lamentation and the gerund, lamenting.

What was a boss's TV lament?

what was a boss's lament what was a boss's lament what was a boss's lament what was a boss's lament what was a boss's lament

What is a one word substitute for a sad song?

The word could be a dirge, or a lament.

What part of speech is the word lament?

"Lament" can be either a noun or a verb. Examples: (verb, past tense) We lamented our lost comrades-in-arms. (noun) Sing us a lament for past heroes.

What is a 4 letter word for jealousy?

Envy Is A 4-Letter Word

To wail loudly?

The definition of the word lament is to wail loudly.