

What is a 5 out of 8 grade?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: What is a 5 out of 8 grade?
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If you get 5 out of 8 on a test what is your grade?

As a percentage that is 62.5%

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High B or low A

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They will be in Grade 3 . Grade 1 : 6 Grade 2 : 7 Grade 3 : 8 Grade 4 : 9 Grade 5 : 10 Grade 6 : 11 Grade 7 : 12 Grade 8 : 13 Grade 9 : 14 Grade 10 : 15 and so on.

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Grade is simply rise over run. In your case, rise is 0.4ft and run is 5 ft. Thus the grade is 0.4/5 = 0.08, or 8% grade.

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There is no such thing as 'exterior' drywall.

What grade is late elementary?

I'm thinking is 10-11 in the fifth grade because early elementary is 3-5 preschool to 7-8 second grade .Middle elementary is 8-9 third grade to 9-10 fourth grade that's how i know these stuff @

What is your grade if you get 5 out of 13 problems wrong?

8/13 right = 62 %

What are the answers to GROW Week 28 Grade 5?

There are not any answers provided online for the Grow work 28 for grade 5. The answers will have to be obtained through course materials.

What is your grade if you got 8 wrong on a 20 question test?

If there are 20 questions then each question is worth 5 points because 100 total points divided by 20 equals 5.If you missed 8 questions then 8 times 5 points equals 40 points wrong, so you have to subtract that from 100 to get a grade of 60. Study harder next time.