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Q: What is a 6 letter word that starts with the letter R to allow each person to have only certain amounts of food gasoline and other goods?
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What was it called to allow each person certain amounts of food gasoline and other goods in World War 2?


What are the side effects if a person gets gasoline in their ear?

Side effects of consuming gasoline include irritation of the mouth, throat and stomach, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and headaches. Consuming large amounts of gasoline could lead to death. See the related links for more information.

What starts with f that allows each person certain amounts of goods?

Food rationing.

The act of allowing each person only a certain amount of food gasoline and other goods?

This is called rationing

What was the name of the person who created gasoline?

William gasoline

How do I test for the amount of alcohol in gasoline?

Alcohol test kits are available explicitly for testing gasoline. Alternatively, a person can extract water from gasoline to determine the amount of alcohol present.

History of gasoline?

the history of gasoline is a very stupid subject! who would want to know this!!!The kind of person who has a project wants to know this....

How do you write a loan default letter?

If you a writing a loan default letter to a person who has not made payments, you want to outline what payments were missed and the amounts. You want to also send it certified to make sure the recipient receives it.

What happens if a person daily eats a pill but first by melting in the mouth and then swallow?

That is unhealthy. The outside of a pill is usually a time release that controls when certain amounts of medication enter your system

How do you write a transfer letter to other department?

When writing a transfer letter, there are certain things you need to keep in mind. The letter must be written professionally. Give concrete reasons as to why you are requesting the transfer and submit the letter to the relevant person or office.

How does aids affect a person's lifestyle?

AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is a diagnosis given to an HIV+ indivudual after they present certain clinical criteria. HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is the virus that causes a person to develop AIDS. HIV attacks the part of the body that fights disease, the white blood cells known as T-cells or CD4s. Over the course of a person's HIV infection, there is greater amounts of virus over time and fewer amounts of health disease fighting cells. When the number of white blood cells drops below a certain point, that person is diagnosed with AIDS.

Does a type O person have a certain diet?

It is a myth that people who have blood type O need to adhere to a specific diet in order to not get sick. However, there has not been significant amounts of definitive proof that this is true.