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Q: What is a 7 letter word that starts with a U that has to do with atomic weight?
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What is an 8 letter word that starts with an H and has to do with atomic?

Hydrogen is probably the word. Hydrogen bomb, atomic bomb...

What 3 letter word has an atomic weight of 50?

50 is the atomic number of "tin."

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Hydrogen is a chemical element with the atomic number 1.

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atomic bomb

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the 8 letter word that starts with H and means ATOMIC is HYDROGEN.i also found 7 other words that mean ATOMIC: FERMIONS NUCLEONS ELECTRON MOLECULE PARTICLE CHEMICAL NITROGEN

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A 5 letter word that starts with an L is Lipid

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Candlepin is a 9 letter word for bowling that starts with can.

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A six letter word that starts with U is upward.

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There is only one word that starts with the letter E an and with a V. This word is elov.