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Q: What is a Bushido and how was it governed by a samurais life?
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Does japan still follow Bushido?

Yes, some businessmen whose ancestors are samurais follow the philosophy of the Bushido.

What did samurais do when they were dishonored especilly if they were dishonored?

Most samurai would rather die than dishonor the Bushido.

What did samurais do daily?

Mostly Samurais in training practiced calligraphy, practiced the rituals of tea ceremonies, wrote poetry (usually haikus), practiced swordsmanship and archery, and occassionally had lessons on seppuku and Bushido.

Are samuris from China?

Everyone can be a Samurai if they have Bushido. Samurais are not only for Japanese, it's for somebody who is aiming to be a Samurai and a brave warrior.

Do samurais still use katanas today?

Samurais aren't around as much nowadays but they traditions do live on, especially during World War 2 as many of the Kamikaze pilots had katanas in their planes as a sign of bushido- bravery in battle, not being afraid of death etc.

What did the samurai do?

They are the warriors of japan. They follow a code of honor called bushido that has 7 virtues.

How can you use bushido in a sentence?

Bushido is a way of life practiced by the samurai. It means "The Way of the Warrior Knight." Here are some sentences.Honor and Honesty are principles of bushido.Bushido originated in Japan.Samurai practiced bushido.

How do you learn bushido?

Bushido is learned by learning a Japanese martial art. Bushido, the way of the warrior, is a code of ethics, moral compass and general all around way of living that represents the way of life of the fighters in Japan. Learning Bushido would be learning absolute dedication to your family and Emperor. Therefore, being a foreigner and wanting to learn the Bushido code would be pointless as it would hold little meaning. The Bushido way of life is the ultimate sacrifice for your country and your family name.

What is the Bushido?

Bushido means "Way of the Samurai". It is the Japanese samurai way of conduct, similar to Sharia (Islamic conduct) or chivalry (Middle Ages' knight's code). The samurai must follow these to show his loyalty, and duty to the shogun. Also it is disinclination to pain and profit was scorned.

What were samurai behavior rules?

bushido it's kind of like the chivalry the knights of mid evil europe had. They had rules of honor like seppuku whee they killed themselves if they did something realy dishonerable also they had to remain loyal and stuff like that ninga didn't have this but there were obviously ways of controlling them

Do samurais speak Thai?

No. Samurais are from Japan, not Thailand. They Speak Japanese.

What was daily life like for Samurais?

they had to fight with alot of weapons they were carried with a horseback also hope this helped