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Glass squids are transparent. They use ink to make their predator blind and not to see them when they escape. You can say that they are cunning creatures!

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Q: What is a Glass Squids behavior like?
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Where do glass squids stay in the ocean?

Glass squids stay between the surface and midwater depths of open oceans.

What do Glass Squids eat?

what do glass squid eat

Glass-like sea creatures discovered deep in the Southern Ocean?

Yes. These new fish are called deep sea glass squids or Teuthowenia Pellucid.

What do deep sea squids eat?

Many deep sea fish eat glass squids, that includes angler fish, goblin sharks, and whales.

What is a squids behavior?

Squids are known to be intelligent and highly adaptable creatures. They exhibit various behaviors such as hunting prey using their tentacles, changing color to camouflage with their surroundings, and using jet propulsion to move swiftly through the water. They also communicate with each other using a combination of body postures, color changes, and bioluminescent displays.

What is behavior of a fangtooth fish?

The fangtooths eat squids and smaller fish

What are squids eyes like?

Squids eyes are big and are on either side of the squids face/body.

Are squids fish?

No, squids are not fish.

How do glass squid protect them selves?

Some of the glass squids engorge the surrounding water and gets swallon and as they are glassy they act like a invisible object to the predators. Also they can use jet propulsion to escape from their enemies.

What is a giant squids behavior?

its naughty it gets triple detention every day (if you fell for that u are strange)

Do squids like butter?

yes,they do.......................

What is the squids special features?

the squids special features is its tentacles because it can squeeze large things like a wale