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Hummingbird's heart rate can reach as high as 1,260 beats per minute.

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Q: What is a Hummingbird heart rate?
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What species has the fastest heart beat?

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What is the fastest heartbeat ever recorded?

The Amethyst Woodstar Hummingbird has a heart rate of 80 beats per second.

What is the heart beat rate of a hummingbird?

Hummingbirds beat their wings an estimated 100 beats a second!

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How big is a hummingbird's heart?

It is as big as the size of one grain of rice.

How many chambers does a hummingbird have?

A hummingbird has four heart chambers, has do all birds.

How fast does a humming bird's heart beat?

A hummingbird's heart can beat up to 1,260 times per minute. Its heart makes up 2.5% of the creature's total body weight.resting hummingbirds hearts beat at 250 (BPM) beats per min. Or 1200 beats per minute (BPM) when feeding.In torpid hummingbirds, the heart rate can drop to 50-180 per minute.250 beats per minute resting 1200 beats per minute while feeding or flying1200 beats per minute. Hummingbirds have a bigger heart size then every other bird in the world.

How fast do the and heart of a hummingbird beat?

Hummingbirds are one of the smallest birds on earth. They eat a nectar of sugar and water when fed by humans. Their heart rate is typically 50 to 180 beats although it can be as fast 1260 beats. The wings beat at a rate of 10 to 15 beats a second.

What animal has the smallest heart?

I think its the hummingbird

How many times can a humminigbird's heart beat?

A hummingbird's heart can beat about 1,260 per minute

How do you measure the heart rate of a hummingbird Also what is used to do it?

if you have a humming bird feeder track how much it drinks per minute, multiply it by 6 and reverse the number you have. that number is how many times its heart beats per 10 minutes. glad to be of help. by!

Why do you have a heart rate?

You have a heart. It beats periodically. The rate at which it does so is your heart rate. If you don't have a heart rate, then your heart isn't beating, meaning you're dead or dying.