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Synagogues are mainly places of worship, but often Torah-classes are held there also. Yeshivas are mainly places of Torah-teaching/studying, but prayer-services are held there also.

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Q: What is a Jewish place of teaching and worship called?
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Jews do not have churches. The Jewish place of worship is called a synagogue in English.

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The Jewish peoples place of worship is called a Synagogue.

What is a jewish place of teaching called?

A Rabbinical college is called a yeshiva; and a place where Torah is studied is a beit midrash.

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A synagogue is the place of worship for members of the Jewish faith.

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No. A Jewish place of worship is a synagogue. Sinbad is a city.

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Place of worship for the Jewish faith.

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Jews congregate in synagogues for prayer, study, celebration and mourning.

What is a synoagogue?

Place of worship for Jewish people

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The holy books in Judaism are the books of the Hebrew Bible.Places of worship:Jews worship in synagogues.See also:What are the Jewish Holy Books called?More about Jewish worship

Why don't Jews go to church?

Church is a CHRISTIAN place of worship. The Jewish place of worship is the synagogue.

Synagogues are the place of worship for whom?

For Jewish people.

Does judaism have a place of significance?

A Jewish house of worship is called synagogue. The country of Israel is also of deep significance to Jews.