

What is a Mutex?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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17y ago

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Mutual exclusion (often abbreviated to mutex) algorithms are used in concurrent programming to avoid the simultaneous use of un-shareable resources by pieces of computer code called critical sections. Examples of such resources are fine-grained flags, counters or queues, used to communicate between code that runs concurrently, such as an application and its interrupt handlers. The problem is acute because a thread can be stopped or started at any time. To illustrate: suppose a section of code is mutating a piece of data over several program steps, when another thread, perhaps triggered by some unpredictable event, starts executing. If this second thread reads from the same piece of data, the data, in the process of being overwritten, is in an inconsistent and unpredictable state. If the second thread tries overwriting that data, the ensuing state will probably be unrecoverable. These critical sections of code accessing shared data must therefore be protected, so that other processes which read from or write to the chunk of data are excluded from running. On a uniprocessor system the common way to achieve mutual exclusion is to disable interrupts for the smallest possible number of instructions that will prevent corruption of the shared data structure, the so-called "critical region". This prevents interrupt code from running in the critical region. Beside this hardware supported solution, some software solutions exist that use "busy-wait" to achieve the goal. Examples of these algorithms include: * Dekker's algorithm * Peterson's algorithm * Lamport's bakery algorithm In a computer in which several processors share memory, an indivisible test-and-set of a flag is used in a tight loop to wait until the other processor clears the flag. The test-and-set performs both operations without releasing the memory bus to another processor. When the code leaves the critical region, it clears the flag. This is called a "spinlock" or "busy-wait." Some computers have similar indivisible multiple-operation instructions for manipulating the linked lists used for event queues and other data structures commonly used in operating systems. Most classical mutual exclusion methods attempt to reduce latency and busy-waits by using queuing and context switches. Some claim that benchmarks indicate that these special algorithms waste more time than they save. Many forms of mutual exclusion have side-effects. For example, classic semaphores permit deadlocks, in which one process gets a semaphore, another process gets a second semaphore, and then both wait forever for the other semaphore to be released. Other common side-effects include starvation, in which a process never gets sufficient resources to run to completion, priority inversion in which a higher priority thread waits for a lower-priority thread, and "high latency" in which response to interrupts is not prompt. Much research is aimed at eliminating the above effects, such as by guaranteeing non-blocking progress. No perfect scheme is known.

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Protecting a dedicated function in Visual C plus plus from interruption?

You can only protect a function from interruption by another thread in the same process -- you cannot prevent the operating system from interrupting your program, nor threads in a separate process. To prevent interruption by another thread, use a mutex. The thread that holds the mutex blocks all other threads from holding that same mutex -- they must wait for it to be released by the holder. However, mutexes should only be used when two or more threads need to share information that must be written to by one or more of the threads. They cannot all write simultaneously and you cannot read information that is currently being written. So each thread must obtain the mutex immediately before performing a read or write, and must release it when the read or write is complete. In this way, only one thread has access to the information at any given moment, and all other threads are blocked. This does not prevent interruption, however. You can reduce the chances of interruption simply by raising your thread's priority. Level 0 is the highest priority but is reserved for the operating system, but there are 31 levels available (1 to 31). Use this sparingly and only when absolutely required.

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What is a semaphore in RTOS?

A semiphore is a means of protecting a resource/data shared between threads. It is a token based mechanism for controlling when a thread can have access to the resource/data.Usually a semiphore handle will be able to be received from the system by name/id.See Also Mutex. which is a simplification of the semiphore concept.

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The lock prefix on the 8086/8088 prevents any other bus master from accessing the bus during this instruction, even if this instruction is a multiple access instruction. It assures atomicity and data consistency in a multi-computer environment, but only for a single instruction. It is generally used to manipulate a mutex or semaphore.

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The thread class (std::thread) was introduced with the C++11 standard. Indeed, C++11 introduced several classes to make it easier to implement concurrency.Consider the following example:#include#include#includevoid foo (char ch, size_t count, std::mutex* cout_mutex){if (!cout_mutex) return;for (size_t i=0; i!=count; ++i){cout_mutex->lock();std::cout unlock();}}void do_it(){std::mutex my_mutex;std::thread t1 (foo, 'A', 30, &my_mutex); // print 30 A'sstd::thread t2 (foo, 'B', 25, &my_mutex); // print 25 B'sstd::thread t3 (foo, 'C', 20, &my_mutex); // print 20 C'sstd::thread t4 (foo, 'D', 15, &my_mutex); // print 15 D's// synchronize threads:t1.join();t2.join();t3.join();t4.join();}int main(){for (size_t i=0; i!=10; ++i){do_it();std::cout

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It isn't needed, but it exists to provide common functionality. Without it you would have to re-invent the wheel to provide that common functionality yourself. The standard library includes the standard C library (which includes C-style memory management functions, general utilities and common types such as strings), common container classes (including lists, queues, stacks and vectors), input/output streams (including iostream, fstream, streambuf, etc), thread support (including thread and mutex) and language support (typeinfo, exception, new and limits).