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The hemming of jeans by folding up, stitching and then trimming excess fabric is New York hemming. I suppose the idea originated in New York. So, it is called New York hem.

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6mo ago

There is no specific dish or term called a "New York Hem" in culinary or cultural context that I am aware of. If you have any additional details or context, I would be happy to try to help further.

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The plural of "hem" is "hems."

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A hem is the edge of a piece of cloth or clothing that has been turned under and sewn. The bottom hem would be the hem at the bottom of a garment (for example, the hem of your pants at your ankles, or the bottom edge of a dress).

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New York City, New York, USA New York, New York

How can you tell if your garment has a good hem?

A good hem on a dress or a skirt should be almost undetectable. Stitches should be spaced just far apart enough to support the hem, not too close together to pucker the fabric and not too far apart so as to gap. The deeper a hem, the better it hangs (2" to 3", depending on the style and the fabric). The more shallow a hem, the more likely it will roll; just look at how the hem rolls on a new pair of jeans after you wash them the first time. Also, if the weave of the fabric tends to fray, the raw edge of the hem needs to be prepared (either attach hem binding or apply stitching to prevent fraying).

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So you're garment doesn't fray, you need to sew a "hem". A hem allowance is a small bit of fabric left on the end so you can sew a hem.

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new york, new york new york, new york

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The population of Hem-Hardinval is 343.

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Hem Chieu died in 1943.