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pp3 batteries are small rectangular boxes that has some enegy like batteries

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Q: What is a PP3 battery clip and how does it work?
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How does a pp3 battery work?

The Ever Ready company issued a "PP" series of batteries (standing for 'power pack'), and the PP3 was the small nine-volt battery in that series.

Is a PP3 battery a single voltaic cell?

The PP3 battery, commonly known as a 9-volt battery, is not a single voltaic cell. It consists of six smaller 1.5-volt cells connected in series to provide a total of 9 volts.

Where can I buy a pp3 battery?

PP3 batteries are very common. You can get these batteries at Wal-Mart, Target, Best Buy, and many other major stores.

What does a battery snap do in a circuit?

A battery snap is a kind of connector, used on certain batteries. Popular 9v batteries have terminals on them like a 'press stud'. They are polarized, one connection is like a claw and the other like a button. This make sure that the connection only fits one way round or on the correct terminals, preventing reverse polarity damage. Small batteries like the PP3, have the two connectors on one clip, or board. Larger batteries will have the connectors separate, one on each wire.

What is a PP3 battery equivalent?

PP3 batteries are also known as nine volt batteries. So, yes this would be an equivalent. However, you can probably choose to buy a rechargeable battery or not. If you would a rechargeable battery, make sure to search different stores and look for this label.

How much voltage does a PP3 battery produce?

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What does a battery clip do?

it operates a battery,mostly a 9 volt battery

Finding a Good PP3 Battery?

Are you wanting to buy a PP3 battery for an electronic device that you have? Many people look for replacement batteries for their electronics on the web. Going to a store is no longer the best way to shop for batteries, unless you are in a hurry to get one and don't want to wait for shipping.

How do you run electric lights off a battery?

Take a Energizer, Duracell, etc. battery (the bigger the bulb the bigger the battery) and a paper clip. Bend up the paper clip to a pretty straight line, and attach one end to the end of the lightbulb. Attach the other end to one end of the battery, and POOF! Light! If the bulb doesn't come on try attaching the paper clip to the other end of the battery. If it STILL doesn't work, get a bigger battery.

What is the function of a battery clip?

Its not known

Do you need a battery to see if a paper clip help light bulbs light?

Yes you do need a battery because the paper clip is usually used for an alternative for a wire and the paper clip is what the electricity travels through, so yes you do need a battery.

How to recharge a motorcycle battery?

Connect the positive clip of the battery charger to the positive terminal on the battery. Connect the negative clip of the battery charger to the negative terminal on the battery. Select the charge rate you desire either 2,4, or 6 amp. The newer battery chargers will let you know when it is fully charged.