

What is a Postbaccalaureate?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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These are courses you complete after receiving a bachelors degree. They may be courses you need for another profession and are not part of a degree program, such as toward another bachelors degree, or a masters. An example is the year of courses one can take to obtain a secondary education certificate after having a bachelors in English.

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15y ago
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Q: What is a Postbaccalaureate?
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Should you hyphenate postbaccalaureate?

A hyphen is not required.

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Yes, the term "postbaccalaureate" is typically written as one word without a hyphen.

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From ODLIS: Online Dictionary for Library and Information Science: "The professional knowledge and skill with which recorded information is selected, acquired, organized, stored, maintained, retrieved, and disseminated to meet the needs of a specific clientele, usually taught at a professional library school qualified to grant the postbaccalaureate degree of M.L.S. or M.L.I.S. The term is used synonymously in the United States with librarianship."

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Yes grants may be available but are need-based grants and they are available to low-income undergraduate and certain postbaccalaureate students to promote access to postsecondary education. Scholarships may be available but will be based on your grades, heritage, religion, and affiliations. Also student loans may be available and can be paid back with very low interest free monthly payments.

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There are approximately 29,540 students enrolled at San Francisco State University. Eighty-six percent of the students are pursuing undergraduate degrees while the remaining 14 percent are graduate students.

What degree do you need to go into medical school?

You actually can go to medical school on any degree. In the United States, schools have certain requirements that you must fulfill before attending. Those requirements are usually: 1 year of calculus, 1 year of general chemistry (w/lab), 1 year of organic chemistry (w/lab), 1 year of general physics (w/lab), 1 year of english, a statistics course (for some schools), 1 year of general biology (w/lab). The requirements do vary from school to school. I also know that Undergraduate institutions offer varieties of the courses I have listed above, the more rigorous course is recommended. That being said, thousands of students apply to medical schools every year with degrees in biology, chemistry, microbiology, virology, etc...and every year thousands of students get rejected. Make yourself different from others get a degree in english, psychology or even history. If you complete the requirements listed above, have a degree that differentiates yourself from others and have competitive school statistics (GPA, MCAT scores...etc), chances for consideration are high.

What words have 17 letters?

accommodationists, accommodativeness, accountablenesses, acetylsalicylates, acquaintanceships, acquisitivenesses, acrimoniousnesses, adventuresomeness, adventurousnesses, aerothermodynamic, agglutinabilities, allegoricalnesses, allotetraploidies, alternativenesses, aminotransferases, amphitheatrically, anachronistically, anagrammatization, anesthesiologists, angiocardiography, anthropocentrisms, anthropologically, anthropomorphisms, anthropomorphists, anthropomorphized, anthropomorphizes, antiassimilations, antiauthoritarian, anticlimactically, anticommercialism, anticonservations, antidesegregation, antiestablishment, antievolutionisms, antievolutionists, antiferromagnetic, antihumanitarians, antihypertensives, antimiscegenation, antiorganizations, antipornographies, antiprostitutions, antirationalities, antireductionisms, antireductionists, antirevolutionary, antischizophrenia, antischizophrenic, antitechnological, approachabilities, appropriatenesses, archconservatives, architectonically, ariboflavinosises, arteriosclerotics, astrophotographer, atrabiliousnesses, australopithecine, authoritarianisms, authoritativeness, autocatalytically, autoimmunizations, autointoxications, autoradiographies, autotetraploidies, bacteriologically, bacteriorhodopsin, bathythermographs, bibliographically, bioavailabilities, biodeteriorations, biogeochemistries, biomathematicians, biometeorological, biostratigraphies, biotransformation, bittersweetnesses, blameworthinesses, blasphemousnesses, bloodguiltinesses, bronchopneumonias, bureaucratization, carboxypeptidases, carcinogenicities, cardiorespiratory, carnivorousnesses, catecholaminergic, ceremoniousnesses, characterizations, characterological, chemiluminescence, chemoautotrophies, chemoprophylactic, chemotherapeutics, chlordiazepoxides, chlortetracycline, cholangiographies, cholecystectomies, choreographically, chorioallantoides, choriocarcinomata, chromolithographs, chromolithography, chymotrypsinogens, circumambulations, circumnavigations, circumstantiality, circumstantiating, clandestinenesses, clearheadednesses, clinicopathologic, coadministrations, coldheartednesses, collaborationisms, collaborationists, collectivizations, comfortablenesses, commercialization, commissionerships, commonplacenesses, communicabilities, communicativeness, communitarianisms, companionableness, comparativenesses, compartmentalised, compartmentalises, compartmentalized, compartmentalizes, compartmentations, compassionateness, compendiousnesses, competitivenesses, complementariness, complementarities, complicatednesses, comprehensibility, comprehensiveness, compressibilities, conceivablenesses, conceptualization, confidentialities, configurationally, confrontationists, congregationalism, congregationalist, conscientiousness, consecutivenesses, consequentialness, consideratenesses, conspicuousnesses, constitutionalism, constitutionalist, constitutionality, constitutionalize, consubstantiation, containerisations, containerizations, contemplativeness, contemporaneities, contemporaneously, contemptibilities, contentiousnesses, contractibilities, contradictoriness, contradistinction, contradistinctive, contradistinguish, contraindications, controllabilities, controversialisms, controversialists, conventionalities, conventionalizing, conversationalist, convertiblenesses, cooperativenesses, copolymerizations, counteraccusation, counteradaptation, counteraggression, counterassaulting, counterblockading, countercommercial, countercomplaints, counterconspiracy, counterconvention, countercriticisms, counterculturists, countercyclically, counterdeployment, counterespionages, countergovernment, counterguerrillas, counterhypotheses, counterhypothesis, counterincentives, counterinflations, counterinfluenced, counterinfluences, counterinsurgency, counterinsurgents, counteroffensives, counterpetitioned, counterproductive, counterpropaganda, counterprotesting, counterquestioned, counterrevolution, counterscientific, countersignatures, counterstatements, counterstrategies, counterstrategist, countersuggestion, countertendencies, counterterrorisms, counterterrorists, countertraditions, crashworthinesses, crestfallennesses, cryopreservations, cryptocrystalline, cryptographically, crystallographers, crystallographies, cyclophosphamides, cytomegaloviruses, cytopathogenicity, cytotaxonomically, cytotechnologists, decentralizations, declassifications, decomposabilities, deconstructionist, decriminalization, dedifferentiating, dedifferentiation, defenselessnesses, dehumidifications, dehydrochlorinase, dehydrochlorinate, deindustrializing, deleteriousnesses, dematerialization, demilitarizations, demineralizations, demonstrabilities, demonstrativeness, demythologization, denationalization, denaturalizations, denominationalism, denuclearizations, deoxyribonuclease, departmentalizing, depersonalization, dephosphorylating, dephosphorylation, depoliticizations, depolymerizations, depressurizations, descriptivenesses, destructibilities, destructivenesses, determinatenesses, deterministically, dextroamphetamine, dialectologically, diaphragmatically, diastereoisomeric, dichotomousnesses, dictatorialnesses, differentiability, dihydroergotamine, dihydroxyacetones, dimethylhydrazine, diphenylhydantoin, diphthongizations, directionlessness, disadvantagedness, disadvantageously, discombobulations, disequilibrations, disestablishments, disfranchisements, disgracefulnesses, disinterestedness, disintermediation, dispassionateness, disproportionated, disproportionates, disqualifications, disreputabilities, disrespectability, disrespectfulness, distastefulnesses, distinctivenesses, distractibilities, distressfulnesses, distrustfulnesses, domineeringnesses, dorsiventralities, dorsoventralities, downheartednesses, echocardiographer, echocardiographic, editorializations, efficaciousnesses, electroanalytical, electrocardiogram, electrochemically, electroconvulsive, electrodepositing, electrodeposition, electromagnetisms, electromechanical, electrometallurgy, electromyographic, electronegativity, electrooculograms, electropherograms, electrophysiology, electroretinogram, electrostatically, embourgeoisements, emotionlessnesses, encephalographies, encephalomyelitis, entrepreneurially, entrepreneurships, environmentalisms, environmentalists, epidemiologically, epiphenomenalisms, epistemologically, epithelialization, ethnocentricities, ethnomusicologies, ethnomusicologist, everlastingnesses, exaggeratednesses, exceptionalnesses, exchangeabilities, exhaustlessnesses, expeditiousnesses, extraordinariness, extraterrestrials, fantasticalnesses, fashionablenesses, ferrimagnetically, fictionalizations, fissiparousnesses, flirtatiousnesses, floriferousnesses, foresightednesses, fractionalization, fragmentarinesses, gastroenteritides, gastroenteritises, gentlemanlikeness, gentlemanlinesses, glossopharyngeals, glycosaminoglycan, governmentalizing, grammaticalnesses, gynandromorphisms, halfheartednesses, handcraftsmanship, hemagglutinations, hemochromatosises, heterogeneousness, heterosexualities, heterotrophically, hexachloroethanes, histopathological, histopathologists, histophysiologies, historiographical, homogeneousnesses, housewifelinesses, hydroelectrically, hydrometallurgies, hydrometallurgist, hydroxytryptamine, hyperalimentation, hyperdevelopments, hyperemotionality, hyperexcitability, hyperimmunization, hyperinflationary, hyperinnervations, hyperintellectual, hyperirritability, hypermutabilities, hyperpigmentation, hyperpituitarisms, hyperpolarization, hyperreactivities, hyperstimulations, hyperventilations, hypnotizabilities, hypochondriacally, hypophysectomized, hypophysectomizes, hyposensitization, idiosyncratically, ignominiousnesses, illimitablenesses, illusionistically, illustriousnesses, imaginativenesses, immunochemistries, immunocompetences, immunocompromised, immunofluorescent, immunogenetically, immunogeneticists, immunohematologic, immunopathologies, immunopathologist, immunoprecipitate, immunoregulations, immunosuppressant, immunosuppressing, immunosuppression, immunosuppressive, immunotherapeutic, impecuniousnesses, impenetrabilities, imperialistically, imperishabilities, impersonalization, implicativenesses, imponderabilities, importunatenesses, impregnablenesses, impressionability, improvisationally, inaccessibilities, inadmissibilities, inalterablenesses, inapplicabilities, inappropriateness, inattentivenesses, incalculabilities, incommunicability, incomparabilities, incompatibilities, inconceivableness, incongruousnesses, inconsequentially, inconsiderateness, inconspicuousness, incorrigibilities, indefatigableness, indefeasibilities, indefectibilities, indefensibilities, indefinablenesses, indescribableness, indestructibility, indeterminateness, indigestibilities, indiscriminations, indispensableness, indissolubilities, indistinguishable, indistinguishably, individualization, indomitablenesses, indubitablenesses, industrialization, industriousnesses, ineffaceabilities, ineffectivenesses, ineffectualnesses, inefficaciousness, ineradicabilities, inexcusablenesses, inexhaustibleness, inexpensivenesses, inexplicabilities, inexpressibleness, inextricabilities, inflammablenesses, informativenesses, inheritablenesses, injudiciousnesses, inoffensivenesses, inoperativenesses, inopportunenesses, inquisitivenesses, inscrutablenesses, insensitivenesses, inseparablenesses, insolubilizations, instantaneousness, institutionalised, institutionalises, institutionalisms, institutionalists, institutionalized, institutionalizes, instructivenesses, instrumentalities, insurrectionaries, intellectualistic, intellectualities, intellectualizers, intellectualizing, intelligibilities, intemperatenesses, interassociations, interavailability, intercalibrations, intercolumniation, intercommunicated, intercommunicates, intercorrelations, interdepartmental, interdependencies, interdisciplinary, interestingnesses, intergenerational, intergovernmental, internationalised, internationalises, internationalisms, internationalists, internationalized, internationalizes, interpenetrations, interpopulational, interprofessional, interrelationship, interstimulations, intersubjectively, intersubjectivity, intertranslatable, intervisibilities, intolerablenesses, intraperitoneally, intrathoracically, introspectionisms, introspectionists, introspectiveness, involuntarinesses, invulnerabilities, iontophoretically, irreconcilability, irrecoverableness, irreformabilities, irrefragabilities, irreparablenesses, irrepealabilities, irreplaceableness, irreproachability, irreproducibility, irresistibilities, irresponsibleness, irreversibilities, irrevocablenesses, isoelectronically, jurisprudentially, kaleidoscopically, kindheartednesses, knowledgeableness, latitudinarianism, lepidopterologies, lepidopterologist, levelheadednesses, lexicographically, longsightednesses, lymphadenopathies, lymphangiographic, lymphogranulomata, macroevolutionary, macroglobulinemia, macroglobulinemic, macroinstructions, magnanimousnesses, magnetoresistance, magnetostrictions, maintainabilities, maladministration, malapportionments, maneuverabilities, marriageabilities, materialistically, meaninglessnesses, mechanoreceptions, medulloblastomata, mellifluousnesses, melodramatization, merchantabilities, meritoriousnesses, mesembryanthemums, metapsychological, methemoglobinemia, methylnaphthalene, microbiologically, microcalorimeters, microcalorimetric, microcirculations, microdensitometer, microdensitometry, microencapsulated, microencapsulates, microenvironments, microevolutionary, microinstructions, micromanipulation, micromanipulators, microminiaturized, micromorphologies, micropaleontology, microphotographed, microphotographer, microphotographic, microphotometries, microprogrammings, microradiographic, microreproduction, microseismicities, microsporogeneses, microsporogenesis, microvasculatures, mineralocorticoid, misadministration, misappropriations, miscellaneousness, mischaracterizing, mischievousnesses, misclassification, miscommunications, miscomprehensions, misidentification, misinterpretation, mispronunciations, misrepresentation, misrepresentative, mistranscriptions, mistrustfulnesses, misunderstandings, monochromatically, monospecificities, monosyllabicities, morphogenetically, mountainousnesses, multibillionaires, multiculturalisms, multidisciplinary, multigenerational, multimillionaires, multiprogrammings, multitudinousness, municipalizations, nationalistically, nearsightednesses, necessitarianisms, necessitousnesses, nephelometrically, neurodegenerative, neurofibromatoses, neurofibromatosis, neuropathological, neuropathologists, neuropharmacology, neurophysiologies, neurophysiologist, neuropsychiatries, neuropsychiatrist, neuropsychologies, neuropsychologist, neuroradiological, neuroradiologists, neurotransmission, neurotransmitters, nonanthropologist, nonavailabilities, nonbelligerencies, noncommunications, noncomprehensions, nonconfrontations, nonconstitutional, noncontemporaries, noncontradictions, noncontributories, noncooperationist, nondenominational, nondiscrimination, nondiscriminatory, nonecclesiastical, nonenforceability, nonentertainments, nonestablishments, nonflammabilities, nonfraternization, nonindustrialized, nonmanufacturings, nonmathematicians, nonparticipations, nonproductiveness, nonprofessionally, nonproliferations, nonreappointments, nonrepresentative, nonsensicalnesses, nonsuperimposable, nucleophilicities, nullificationists, objectionableness, obstructivenesses, oceanographically, odoriferousnesses, onomatopoetically, openheartednesses, openmouthednesses, opinionatednesses, opportunistically, opprobriousnesses, organophosphorous, orthogonalization, orthopsychiatries, orthopsychiatrist, otolaryngological, otolaryngologists, overambitiousness, overcommercialize, overcommunicating, overcommunication, overcompensations, overconcentration, overconscientious, overexaggerations, overexploitations, overextrapolation, overfamiliarities, overfertilization, overindustrialize, overorchestrating, overprescriptions, overproportionate, overproportioning, oversensitiveness, oversensitivities, oversophisticated, oversubscriptions, overzealousnesses, ovoviviparousness, paleoanthropology, paleogeographical, paleomagnetically, paleopathological, paleopathologists, pancreatectomized, paradoxicalnesses, paraformaldehydes, parameterizations, paraprofessionals, parapsychological, parapsychologists, parasitologically, parathyroidectomy, particularization, paternalistically, pathophysiologies, pentachlorophenol, pentylenetetrazol, perchloroethylene, perfunctorinesses, permissiblenesses, persnicketinesses, perspicaciousness, perspicuousnesses, pestiferousnesses, pharisaicalnesses, pharmacognostical, pharmacologically, pharmacotherapies, phenylethylamines, pheochromocytomas, philanthropically, phonocardiographs, phonocardiography, phosphodiesterase, phosphoglycerates, photocoagulations, photocompositions, photoconductivity, photodisintegrate, photodissociating, photodissociation, photoduplications, photoelectrically, photofluorography, photogrammetrists, photointerpreters, photojournalistic, photolithographed, photolithographic, photomechanically, photomicrographic, photoperiodically, photopolarimeters, photoreactivating, photoreactivation, photoreproduction, photorespirations, photosynthesizing, phototelegraphies, phototypesettings, physicochemically, physiopathologies, phytogeographical, phytopathological, phytosociological, pictorializations, picturesquenesses, piezoelectrically, pithecanthropines, plainspokennesses, pleasurablenesses, plenipotentiaries, plethysmographies, polarographically, politicalizations, polyacrylonitrile, polycondensations, polymorphonuclear, postbaccalaureate, postmillennialism, postmillennialist, postresurrections, postrevolutionary, posttranslational, practicablenesses, precipitantnesses, precipitatenesses, precipitousnesses, predestinarianism, predeterminations, prefigurativeness, preincorporations, prejudicialnesses, premillenarianism, premillennialisms, premillennialists, prequalifications, presentablenesses, prestidigitations, prestigiousnesses, pretentiousnesses, preternaturalness, probabilistically, professionalizing, programmabilities, progressivenesses, prohibitivenesses, promiscuousnesses, proportionalities, provincialization, provocativenesses, pseudoclassicisms, pseudoparenchymas, pseudopregnancies, psychobiographers, psychobiographies, psychodynamically, psycholinguistics, psychopathologies, psychopathologist, psychophysiologic, psychosexualities, psychosomatically, psychotherapeutic, punctiliousnesses, purposelessnesses, pyroelectricities, pyrometallurgical, quadricentennials, quarrelsomenesses, quatercentenaries, quattuordecillion, radioautographies, radiobiologically, radiochromatogram, radioimmunoassays, radioisotopically, radiotelegraphies, rationalistically, recapitalizations, recentralizations, rechromatographed, reclassifications, recognizabilities, reconceptualizing, reconcilabilities, reconstructionism, reconstructionist, recontextualizing, recrystallization, redistributionist, refrangiblenesses, rehospitalization, reindustrializing, reinterpretations, rememberabilities, remilitarizations, remorselessnesses, renationalization, repetitiousnesses, reprehensibleness, reproachfulnesses, reproducibilities, resolidifications, resourcefulnesses, respectablenesses, responsiblenesses, restrictivenesses, retransformations, retroperitoneally, revascularization, revolutionariness, rhabdomyosarcomas, rhynchocephalians, ribonucleoprotein, roentgenographies, roundheadednesses, rudimentarinesses, rumbustiousnesses, saccharifications, sanctimoniousness, saponaceousnesses, scandalmongerings, schizophrenically, semiautomatically, semiconsciousness, semidocumentaries, semidomestication, semipornographies, semiprofessionals, sententiousnesses, serviceablenesses, sesquicentenaries, sesquicentennials, socioeconomically, softheartednesses, spectroheliograms, spectroheliograph, spectrohelioscope, spectrophotometer, spectrophotometry, spectroscopically, sphygmomanometers, spiritualizations, splendiferousness, spontaneousnesses, standoffishnesses, stereochemistries, stereomicroscopes, stereomicroscopic, stereophotography, stereospecificity, straightforwardly, straightjacketing, straitlacednesses, strongyloidosises, structuralization, structurelessness, subcategorization, subclassification, subjectivizations, subordinatenesses, substantialnesses, substantivenesses, superbillionaires, supercivilization, superconductivity, superconglomerate, superconservative, supercorporations, superefficiencies, superfecundations, superfluousnesses, superheavyweights, superintellectual, superintelligence, superintendencies, superlativenesses, supermillionaires, superminicomputer, supernaturalistic, superplasticities, superromanticisms, superspectaculars, superspeculations, suppressibilities, suppressivenesses, supranationalisms, supranationalists, susceptiblenesses, suspensefulnesses, swellheadednesses, symmetricalnesses, symptomatological, synchrocyclotrons, synchronousnesses, technicalizations, telecommunication, teleconferencings, telephotographies, temerariousnesses, tempestuousnesses, temporomandibular, tendentiousnesses, tenderheartedness, teratocarcinomata, theatricalization, thermochemistries, thermodynamically, thermodynamicists, thermoelectricity, thermographically, thermoluminescent, thermoperiodicity, thermoregulations, thermostabilities, thoughtlessnesses, thrombocytopenias, tightfistednesses, tintinnabulations, totalitarianizing, transcendentalism, transcendentalist, transcriptionally, transcriptionists, transdisciplinary, transferabilities, transilluminating, transillumination, transilluminators, transistorization, translatabilities, transnationalisms, transparentnesses, transplantability, transthoracically, transubstantiated, transubstantiates, treacherousnesses, triboluminescence, trichloroethylene, tridimensionality, trigonometrically, triiodothyronines, triphenylmethanes, triskaidekaphobia, troublesomenesses, trueheartednesses, trustworthinesses, turbidimetrically, ultracentrifuging, ultraconservatism, ultraconservative, ultracontemporary, ultraminiaturized, ultranationalisms, ultranationalists, ultraprofessional, ultraprogressives, ultrasonographers, ultrasonographies, ultrastructurally, unacceptabilities, unalterablenesses, unanswerabilities, unapproachability, unassailabilities, unceremoniousness, unchangeabilities, unclimbablenesses, uncompetitiveness, uncomprehendingly, unconcernednesses, unconscionability, unconsciousnesses, uncontrollability, uncontroversially, unconventionality, undemonstratively, underachievements, underdevelopments, underhandednesses, undernourishments, understandability, underutilizations, undesirablenesses, unemployabilities, unendurablenesses, unfashionableness, unfavorablenesses, unforgivingnesses, unidimensionality, uniformitarianism, uninhibitednesses, unintelligibility, universalizations, unmelodiousnesses, unmitigatednesses, unobtrusivenesses, unpretentiousness, unrighteousnesses, unsophistications, unsympathetically, untranslatability, valetudinarianism, vasoconstrictions, venturesomenesses, videoconferencing, viscoelasticities, warmheartednesses, warrantablenesses, wrongheadednesses, xeroradiographies, zoogeographically1127 words found.

What is Spelman admission requirements?

Admission Spelman College Policy Statement As a historically Black college for women, Spelman seeks to admit academically talented students with a demonstrated commitment to academic excellence, leadership, and community service. Spelman enrolls students from diverse social, cultural, ethnic, economic, geographic, religious and experiential backgrounds. Admission decisions at Spelman are driven by the institution's recognition of the value of a diverse student body. Spelman admits students whose academic and personal profiles indicate they will be productive members of the Spelman community and will be enriched by the Spelman environment. Additionally, these students are well prepared to meet the challenges of a rigorous curriculum. The College enrolls women without regard to race, color, religion, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, or physical challenges. Criteria for Admission Spelman's admissions process is competitive. Minimally, a candidate for admission must have 16 or more units from her high school's college preparatory curriculum. The following are recommended: English....................................................................................................................4 unitsMathematics......................................................................................................3-4 units(With at least Advanced Algebra with Trigonometry or Pre-calculus)Science (with at least 2 labs).........................................................................3-4 unitsForeign Language............................................................................................3-4 unitsHistory/Government..........................................................................................3-4 units Most students admitted to Spelman have a "B" or better average in advanced, honors, advanced placement, and/or international baccalaureate courses. Additional minimal requirements include a minimum average of "C" or better with significant work in academic subjects. Specific minimum course requirements include 4 units of English, 2 units of science (1 lab), 2 units of foreign language, and 2 units of mathematics. Students admitted to Spelman will present credentials that exceed the minimum requirements. All applicants must take either the Scholastic Aptitude Test I (SAT I) or the American College Test (ACT). Spelman will waive test requirements for transfer students who have completed at least one year (30 semester hours) of full-time study at an accredited college or university. First-Year AdmissionFirst-year applicants are considered for the fall semester. First-year applicants may be considered for the spring semester contingent upon space availability. Students may enter Spelman under one of the plans outlined below. Joint EnrollmentThe Joint Enrollment Program offers qualified high school seniors the opportunity to take first-year level courses at Spelman while enrolled in an Atlanta metropolitan high school. All credits earned in this program may be used to fulfill degree requirements at Spelman. Upon written request and payment of the required fee, the College will issue transcripts to high schools, colleges, universities and other designated agencies. Students may apply for the Joint Enrollment Program after completing the 11th grade. Students who would like consideration for admission to the program should contact the Spelman College Office of Admission and Orientation Services and their high school counselors during their junior year of high school and complete the application for admission indicating Joint Enrollment status. Students must request approval from their high school counselors. Applicants for Joint Enrollment must submit their SAT I or ACT scores, their most recent high school transcript, two letters of references from teachers, and a recommendation from their high school counselors by the application deadline. Students who attend an Atlanta public school must meet the criteria set by the Atlanta Board of Education and the State Department of Education to participate in the program. Early DecisionThe Early Decision plan is binding and is best suited for the student who has decided early in the college search process that Spelman College is clearly her first choice. Applicants agree not to be an Early Decision candidate at any other college, and if accepted by Spelman College, will withdraw her application from all other colleges or universities. Students interested in applying Early Decision must follow all of the application guidelines for first-year students. This includes taking the SAT 1 or the ACT and having the scores forwarded to Spelman College by or before the November 1 Early Decision deadline. Students who apply Early Decision are notified of the admission decision on or before December 15. Early NotificationThrough its Early Notification plan, Spelman College notifies outstanding first-year applicants who apply by November 15 of their acceptance before December 31. Students accepted via Early Notification must notify the College of their intent to enroll by May 1. Regular DecisionRegular admission decisions are made by the Spelman College Board of Admission, using academic, personal, and reference information as provided by the applicant. Applications received by February 1 will receive a response by April 1. On occasion the Board may need additional information, which may delay notification. In this case, the student will be notified by April 1 of the need for additional information. Admission to Spelman is selective and competitive. Most applicants exceed minimum eligibility requirements. All Regular Decision applicants must meet the deadlines outlined below. First-Year Admission DeadlinesJoint Enrollment * Application Deadline: February 1 of grade 11 * Decision Notification: April 1 * Confirmation Deposit: May 1* Early Decision * Application Deadline: November 1 of grade 12 * Decision Notification: December 15 * Confirmation Deposit: January 15 Early Notification * Application Deadline: November 15 of grade 12 * Decision Notification: December 31 * Confirmation Deposit: May 1* Regular Decision * Application Deadline: February 1 ofgrade 12 * Decision Notification: April 1 * Confirmation Deposit: May Application ProceduresFirst-Year ApplicantsAn application for admission to Spelman may be obtained from the Office of Admission or the Spelman website, Students who prefer to use the Common Application may obtain it from the Admission Office's website or most high school guidance offices. If supplementary information is needed, the applicant will be notified. Each candidate should submit the following information in the application packet or have it sent directly to Spelman: # The applicant must submit the completed application form, including an essay and a nonrefundable application fee ($35 if submitted on paper, $25 if submitted on-line). When submitting materials, please make sure the applicant's name is on every page to ensure expeditious processing. # An official high school transcript and secondary-school report form sent directly from all high schools attended. Your transcript should include your grade point average (GPA) and class rank, if available. # If the applicant decides to include this information in the packet, it must be enclosed in an envelope secured by the school's official seal. # SAT I or ACT scores sent directly to the Office of Admissions from the appropriate testing agency. However, we can make tentative admissions based on test scores included on the student's official high school transcript. # Two letters of recommendation are requested, one from a secondary school counselor and one from a secondary school teacher (preferably a teacher in the applicant's intended academic major) *Note: Applicants must send all materials to the Office of Admission, postmarked by the November 1 or February 1 deadline. In special cases, the College may request an art portfolio, music audition, or a personal interview. The Office of Admission or appropriate department will notify the applicant if additional information is needed. International ApplicantsIn addition to the general requirements, international students are asked to present a school-leaving certificate and, if English is not their native language, to take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). The recommended score for TOEFL is 500 for the Paper-and-Pencil version or 250 for the Computer version. Other factors will also be considered in determining admission. International applicants must demonstrate the ability to fulfill the financial obligations associated with matriculation in their college program. Financial assistance at Spelman for foreign applicants is limited. Transfer AdmissionTransfer applicants with more than one year or 30 semester hours of credit must indicate a choice of major. In some cases, the College may require departmental approval for entry into a major. Transfer applicants must be in good standing and eligible to return to their previous institutions. Transfer ApplicantsTransfer applicants must submit the following materials to the Office of Admission by March 1 for fall semester and November 1 for spring semester enrollment: # The application form and the nonrefundable application fee of $35 (paper) or $25 (online). # An official copy of the high school record, including GPA, class rank and graduation date. All high school coursework must be listed. # An official postsecondary transcript from each institution attended. Transfer applicants must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0, although most admitted applicants have earned grade point averages of 3.0 or higher. # Two recommendations from instructors (preferably teachers in the applicant's intended academic major) at the last school attended. # SAT I or ACT scores, if transferring with less than 30 semester hours. Transfer Admission Deadlines Fall Semester * Application due: March 1 * Decision Notification: May 1 * Confirmation Deposit: June 1 Spring Semester * Application due: November 1 * Decision Notification: December 1 * Deposit: December 15 Spring Semester ApplicantsTransfer enrollment in the spring semester is contingent upon space availability. Consideration will be given to applicant credentials, the number of hours being transferred, the intended major, and the fulfillment of academic prerequisites. Transfer CreditThe College will award transfer credit for comparable work in which the student has earned grades of "C" or better, provided that the institution at which the credit was earned is accredited by its regional accrediting agency. The College's registrar evaluates the transcripts of incoming transfer students to determine course equivalents for general and divisional requirements. Department chairpersons evaluate transcripts of incoming transfer students to determine course equivalents for departmental requirements. Students are required to take math and foreign language college placement examinations, if they do not transfer credit in those areas. The College honors advanced-placement, International Baccalaureate and CLEP credits earned by entering transfer students in accordance with college policy. The maximum allowance for transfer credit earned at any institution is 60 semester hours, including AP, IB, CLEP and summer school. Admission to Continuing Education - Gateway ProgramThe Gateway Program offers mature learners an opportunity to begin or complete college studies. To qualify for admission to Spelman College through the Gateway Program, an applicant should have been away from school or college for several years, be financially independent, and show evidence of having the potential to succeed academically. Gateway Program students attend classes with traditional Spelman students. A Gateway Program student who wishes to earn a degree from Spelman College will need to enroll in some day courses to meet the requirements of her academic program. A prospective participant may apply to the Gateway Program as a degree or a nondegree student. Nondegree status is appropriate for the woman who already has a college degree and wishes to enroll in credit courses because of her special interests or her need for certain skills, knowledge, or certification. A nondegree student is part-time and unclassified. As a nondegree student, she may complete no more than one year of study or 32 semester hours. After completing a year, she must request approval to matriculate as a degree student or obtain permission from the Dean of Undergraduate Studies to continue in the nondegree status. An applicant should submit the following information to the Continuing Education Office: # Completed application form, including essay. # Official transcript of the high school from which she graduated. # Official record of GED test scores, if she is not a high school graduate. # Official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions she has attended. # Two recommendations (from former teachers, employers or other professionals (Do not include recommendations from family member or friends). # Application fee ($35). The application deadline for degree seeking students is April 1 for admission in August of the same year. The deadline for admission in January is October 1. For information and application forms, contactDr. Pauline DrakeDean of Continuing EducationSpelman College , Box 849Atlanta , GA 30314-4399(404) 270-5364 Guest ApplicantsA student in good standing with sophomore or higher status at another accredited college who wishes to earn Spelman credits toward a degree from her home institution may apply in the same manner as a transfer student. Additionally, a student must obtain written permission to enroll as a guest from her home institution. A student should have her proposed Spelman courses approved in advance by the home institution. Guests may enroll for one semester or one year. The Spelman Dean of Undergraduate Studies must approve any period longer than one year. A guest student may become a transfer student by applying for admission through the Office of Admission. The applicant is subject to all deadlines, policies, and procedures of the Office of Admission. She must submit a letter from her former college approving her change of status to transfer student. Postbaccalaureate ApplicantsNondegree students who do not enter through the Continuing Education Program will be part-time and will have no other official classification. A student may attend no more than one year as a nondegree student unless special permission is granted by the Spelman's Dean of Undergraduate Studies. Participation in college activities by nondegree students is limited to classroom activity. These students are exempt from student fees because they are not provided with the health services or the cultural activities that these fees support. Financial Aid NotificationThe College will send tentative financial aid awards to applicants who file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by the posted deadlines. The Office of Student Financial Services will send these award letters within two weeks of receipt of the Student Aid Report (SAR) from the Federal Processing Center, but not earlier than February 15. Campus HousingUpon admission to the College, students are sent a housing application. Those who desire campus housing must submit (a) $200 nonrefundable tuition deposit, (b) $100 housing deposit and (c) a housing application to the Office of Admission by the May 1 deadline. New students should submit the housing application and tuition and housing deposits at the same time. Housing Confirmation DepositHousing assignments are made on a first come first serve basis with May 1 as the deadline. Students returning the housing and tuition deposits will receive their room assignments by June 20. Students should carefully review their housing contract and return it to the Office of Housing and Residence Life no later than July 1. Special AccommodationsStudents with special housing needs or accommodations should contact the Office of Disability Services. First-Year StudentsAll first-year students are required to stay on campus. Most first-year students who submit required deposits by the published deadlines will receive top priority for on-campus housing. The Office of Housing and Residence Life makes assignments on an "as-available" basis to all other students. Transfer Upper-Division StudentsThe College cannot guarantee housing to transfer, readmitted, or guest students. These students will receive room assignments as space becomes available and, in some instances, may not receive housing until August. Students who desire to live on campus are encouraged to submit a housing application along with the $100 housing deposit and the $200 tuition deposit to the Office of Admission as soon as possible. Upper-Class StudentsAll currently enrolled upper-class students who apply for housing must pay a $100 deposit ($50 tuition, $50 housing) by March 31. They must also meet their financial obligation to the College by that date. After meeting these criteria, their names are entered into a computer-based lottery, which determines their housing status. The Housing Lottery SystemHousing for currently enrolled students is determined by a lottery system. Students interested in participating in the lottery should complete the following steps: # Clear financial balance by March 31. # Submit a housing application by April 1. # Pay a $250 confirmation fee (cashier's check or money order) to the Office of Housing and Residence Life by deadline noted in the materials that will be available in February of the spring semester.