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ishita boss

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Q: What is a Priests hand-warming ball of hot water called?
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What are the balls that you can walk on water with called?

Big ball thing

Did the ancient egyptians play soccer?

Baseball might actually have had its origins in ancient Egypt, where the Pharaohs played a game called seker-hemat, hitting a ball with a stick, with their priests as catchers.

How do you catch a ball - prossesing information?

Its called Marill and you can catch one in the water somewhere.

What is it called when a player hits a ball in the water and still manages to make par?

good playing

What is the instrument for sprinkling holy water?

The instrument commonly used for sprinkling holy water is called an aspergillum. It typically consists of a handle with a perforated ball at the end to allow the sprinkling of the water.

When will a ball filling with water sink?

The ball will sink when the weight of the water inside the ball plus the weight of the ball is greater than the weight of the amount of water that would fit inside the ball.

What does the vigor ball do in the shining force game?

it is a special promotion item to turn your priests into monks instead of vicars

What is it called when a pitched ball does not cross the strike zone?

It is called a "ball"

What is a half ball called?

A half ball is called a hemisphere.

What is the ball in croquet called?

When a ball has scored its last hoop point, it becomes a rover.

What is the stitching called on a cricket ball?

The stitching on a cricket ball is called the equator or the seam.