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Q: What is a Rainbow prism floater in left eye?
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Why rainbow have colors?

A water droplet in the air acts as a prism. It bends light into its component colour wavelengths which your eye sees as a rainbow.

Why would I see a broken black circle on left eye?

If it moves about then it is a floater. This happens when the jelly in the eye develops cracks. They often heal.

Do eye floater eventually sink to the bottom of the eye?

They just float around randomly, they have no resting place.

Seeing a black dot on left eye?

After a short visit at the opticians, they told me that it was called a 'floater'... Its when a bit of the jelly in your eye-ball comes loose and goes to the front of your eye, hence the black dot. It may be irritating, but there is nothing you can do about it. Your brain will adjust to it, but you just have to get used to it.

A certain type of cell that is clearly visible to the human eye?

An Egg A floater that can sometimes be seen in the eye when looking into a blue sky. These were left over blood vessels that were helping to form your eyes before you were born.

What are not the colors of the rainbow?

There is no color your eye can see that is not in the rainbow.

What are the of the colors of the rainbow?

There is no color your eye can see that is not in the rainbow.

What can cause big gray blotches in the vision of one eye - not a floater?


Your daughter sees a black dot in her right eye even when she has her eyes closed it doesnt seem to be the same as a floater which she has had in the past?

It is likely to be another floater but you should still get her eyes checked by an Optometrist- better to be safe than sorry.

Water vapor acts like a prism and can break up white light into different colors to cause a rainbow to appear?

Yes, water vapor can act like a prism. A rainbow is caused by raindrops, not by vapor. When light enters a raindrop at an angle to its surface, different colors refract at different angles as in a prism. A reflection occurs at the far side of the drop, and more refraction occurs as the light exits the drop, to be seen by your eye. Multiple reflections inside the drop are the cause of multiple ("double", even "triple") rainbows.

What are the colors of the rainbow and their meaning?

All colors visible to the human eye are in the rainbow. They have no specific meaning.

What is an eye floater?

It is a little black speck inside your eyeball. It's usually blood or tissue that is floating around inside the jelly part of your eye. They're a normal part of aging.