

What is a Toxic metallic element decay product of uranium?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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The end products of uranium isotopes decay chain are the isotopes of lead.

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Q: What is a Toxic metallic element decay product of uranium?
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What is the toxic radioactive metallic element that occurs in small quantities as a decay product of uranium?

All the decay chain isotopes are radioactive and toxic (excepting the last member which is non-radioactive but also toxic); you think probably to radium or polonium.

What is the toxic radioactive metalic waste element of uranium?

Uranium itself is a radioactive and toxic element. All the elements from the decay chain of uranium isotopes are also radioactive (ex.: radon, radium, etc.) excepting the final product, an isotope of lead.

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Uranium is a toxic and radioactive chemical element.

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Uranium is toxic and radioactive; leakages of uranium from mines and plants are dangerous.

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Uranium ia a radioactive and toxic element.

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Uranium is a radioactive element; uranium is also a toxic element. But the nuclear energy based on uranium is cleaner than the energy based on coal or oil.

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No, uranium is a very toxic chemical element and also is radioactive.

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What element is highly toxic for plant and animals?

There are several. Uranium for instance.

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Uranium is a natural chemical element, solid, radioactive, unstable, having a great density, also atomic weight, with moderated reactivity, toxic, useful etc.

What is the environmental impacts of extracting or refining uranium ore?

1. Uranium is a possible polluting agent of the natural environment. 2. Uranium is a toxic and a radioactive chemical element. 3. Uranium release radium and radon. 4. Radioactive wastes are dangerous and need to be isolated.

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Disadvantages of uranium mining and processing: 1. Uranium is a possible polluting agent of the natural environment. 2. Uranium is a toxic and radioactive chemical element. 3. Uranium release radium and radon.