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Taking it to the Vet.

I've also heard hold a piece of raw meat next to an opening of some sort (on your cat, yes) it might crawl into it, but there is no telling how many ringworm exist, and that may not be adequate, or easy. Ringworm is NOT a worm it is a fungus it is not alive, take the cat to a vet!!!

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14y ago

1) Cut/shave their hair around the outbreak spots.
2) Buy antifungal cream at the drug store. (Usually with the athlete's foot creams).
Make sure it treats ringworm as well. It'll say so on the back of the package.
3) Rub the cream thoroughly on all the ringworm outbreak areas twice daily for four


Take him/her/them to the vet and pay a huge amount more for something you have to STILL do for four weeks...

MAKE SURE to keep checking all other animals, including yourself, thoroughly for an outbreak. It IS pretty darn contagious! If someone else does get it, see steps 1-3. ;)

Thankfully, it's not a dangerous, just annoying! So, taking four weeks to get rid of it is not going to hurt anyone.

Also, make sure you clean everything they've been near, including your clothes, with HOT water, clothes dryer, bleach, or, some people say, Lysol.

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14y ago

Go to your local pharmacy or drug store and puchase some ringworm tablets. these aren't going to go away on their own.

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14y ago

To get rid of ringworm, you should go to the doctor before it spreads and the doctor will give you a prescription cream to rub on the infected areas.

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Related questions

Are ringworm treatments available to most people?

Yes, Ringworm is a fungal infection and there are treatments for it available form most good pharmacies without the need for a prescription.

Where can I find more information on treatment for ringworm?

If you are looking for more information of treatments for ringworm you can find this information online on such websites as myhomeremedies or even webmd.

What are some treatments for the ringworm?

The use of Anti-fungal is a very popular method of removing ringworm. There are other methods such as using anti-biotics and deep cleansing performed in a sterile environment.

What are the symptoms and treatments for ringworm?

Well I can tell you if you have a big or small circle around your arm with white inside that's ringworm. The best think that I would tell you to do is go to or they will help you.

Are oral treatments for ringworm harmful to my body?

Although ringworm sounds like a dangerous infection that involves worms, it is actually a fungal skin infection that can affect the body or the scalp. It isn't painful or harmful, but it is contagious and it can be irritating.

Is a Ringworm a parasite?

Ringworm is actually a misnomer, it is caused by a fungus, not a worm. Antifungals usually help, or if a more natural approach appeals to you, tea tree essential oil (but make sure to dilute it before putting it on your skin.) Here's the link for ringworm at WebMD:

What are the food should be taken if you have a tinea corporis?

The common name for tinea corporis is ringworm. There are various treatments of ringworm that range from prescribed medication to home remedies. A prescribed medication for ringworm is ketoconazole. An effective and simple home remedy is to rub raw papaya on the affected ringworm patches, and to wash sheets and clothing everyday while affected. Apart from prescribed drugs and home remedies, ringworm can be treated with over-the-counter anti-fungal creams or drying powders.

What Treatment Options are Available for Ringworm?

Most ringworm can be treated with ointments, called topical antifungals, regardless of the location of the ringworm. If creams fail to eliminate ringworm or it is very widespread, antifungal pills are also available. Fluconazole, also called Diflucan, terbinafine, also called Lamisil, and griseofulvin are all oral treatments for ringworm. Though the rash might begin to clear quickly, it is important to use medicine as prescribed. Treatment usually needs to continue for two to four weeks.

Is there a vaccine for Ringworm?

Yes, normally you could use some antifungal treatments which actually is all you can really do.

Can you get ringworm from someone who has chickenpox?

Chickenpox and ringworm are caused by completely different microbes. You can only get ringworm from someone with chickenpox if they also have ringworm.

What is ringworm in French?

ringworm= la teigne

Can children get ringworm?

Yes children can get ringworm.