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Q: What is a a common visual representations of a portion of the earth?
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The top portion

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the above portion of the earth is called the earth's crust

Gaseous portion of the Earth?

The gaseous part of the Earth is called the atmosphere. The solid portion of Earth is the geosphere, and the hydrosphere is the Earth's water component.

What the water portion of the Earth?

71% Precent of earth is covered by oceans, lakes and rivers. Water is the most common surface on planet earth, and thats why its also called "the blue planet"- it is mostly blue.

Which is a limitation of two-dimensional representations of Earth?

The distance between two objects may be distorted.

What is According to the current theory the Earth's moon was formed . a. together with Earth c. from a portion of Earth b. separately from Earth d. from a leftover star?

c (portion)

What is the water portion of earth?

71% Precent of earth is covered by oceans, lakes and rivers. Water is the most common surface on planet earth, and thats why its also called "the blue planet"- it is mostly blue.

What is limitation of two dimensional representations of earth?

The distance between two objects may be distorted

What is the gaseous portion of the earth?

The gaseous portion of the Earth is primarily composed of nitrogen (about 78%) and oxygen (about 21%), with trace amounts of other gases like argon, carbon dioxide, and water vapor. These gases make up the atmosphere, which surrounds the Earth and plays a vital role in supporting life.

The gaseous portion of the earth?

The gaseous portion of Earth is primarily composed of nitrogen (about 78%) and oxygen (about 21%), with trace amounts of other gases like carbon dioxide, argon, and water vapor. This mixture of gases is known as the atmosphere and plays a crucial role in supporting life on our planet by regulating temperature and protecting it from harmful radiation.