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Q: What is a baby Mississippi red fox?
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Mississippi state land mammal?

Mississippi's state land mammal is the Red Fox. It was formerly the White-tailed Deer, but was replaced by the Red Fox in 1997.

What are baby red foxes called?

A baby red fox is called a kit.

What is a baby red fox called?

Baby foxes, red or otherwise, are usually referred to as 'kits'.

What is the state land mammal of Mississippi?

They have two, the White-tailed deer and the Red Fox.

What is the color of a baby red fox?

Red fox kits are born blind, deaf and toothless, with dark brown fluffy fur.

Who is the red fox's predator?

Wolfs, bears, and humans. Eagles for baby foxes.

How much does a baby red fox weighs?

Red fox cubs weigh in between 50grams and 150grams and put on 50grams a day until weaned at about 6 weeks

Can red foxes eat raccoons?

A red fox might take a baby raccoon but could not manage an adult.

How long does a red fox carry its baby?

The gestation period lasts 49–58 days.

How long does it take for a baby fox to grow into an adult fox?

for couple month the fox will be a grow fox not a baby fox.

A baby fox is known as a?

a baby fox is called a kit

What is the address of the Southern Mississippi College?

109 Fox Meadow Dr.Hattiesburg, Mississippi