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A levee.

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Q: What is a bank of earth that keeps out water?
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What keeps the earth from overheating?

wind and water keep the earth from overheating

The process that keeps the earth's water constantly recycling is called?

water cycle

How is water crucial to the earth?

water keeps the plant alive which produce oxygen for us to breathe wihtout water everyoneone on Earth will die

Why is the water cycle impornt to all things on earth?

All living things on Earth need water. The water cycle of evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and collection keeps the water on Earth in balance.

What does the water keep moving on the surface and into the earth mean?

Being in the liquid form water keeps on moving on the surface and into the earth due to gravitation force of the Earth.

Why does earth retain water?

because the atmosphere keeps all the molecules intact?

An earth or stone bank for holding back water?


What process keep the amount of earth's water constant?

The water cycle keeps the water levels in perfect balance.

What is the role of gravity in earth?

Gravity keeps things together here on Earth. It keeps the Earth together in the first place, and it keeps us on Earth. It keeps the Earth in orbit around the Sun, and it keeps the Moon in orbit around Earth.

Is water an infinite resource?

No. There is only a certain amount of water on earth but it keeps circulating in the water cycle so it never runs out.

Would a science fair project about mulch and rocks which keeps water from evaporating be in the category of environmental or earth science?

Earth because mulches are the earth

What keeps the temperature of the surface of the Earth from changing rapidly?

water in oceans, lakes, rivers and streams