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Q: What is a baroreceptor and why is it important?
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What is the baroreceptor reflux?

Detects changes in blood pressure.

What is a baroreflex?

A baroreflex is a reflex which results from stimulation of a baroreceptor.

Which part of the brain participates in the baroreceptor reflex?

medulla oblongata

Where are the sensors for the arterial baroreceptor located?

In the carotid sinus and the aortic arch

What receptor will respond when vessel walls stretch?

A baroreceptor responds to stretch.

What is a baroceptor?

A baroceptor is another term for a baroreceptor - a nerve ending which is sensitive to changes in blood pressure.

Why diaphoresis occurs in acute myocardial infarction?

Sympathetic nervous system response/ baroreceptor response

Which Nerve cells monitor the flow of blood and transfer this information to the brain?

These are the baroreceptor cells present in Neck.

Is the left ventricular wall a site of arterial baroreceptor?

The baroreceptors are located in carotid sinus. They are not located in your left or right ventricles.

What is the function of baroreceptor?

Baroreceptors are a type of sensor that are present in the blood vessels of all animals who have a spine. The function of baroreceptors is to detect an increase or decrease in blood pressure and to respond to these changes in pressure.

Increases actions regulated by the nervous system such as heart rate and blood pressure?

The baroreceptor is part of the autonomic nervous system. It increases actions regulated by the nervous system, such as heart rate and blood pressure.