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Firstly, the plasmid is removed from the bacteria where it is cut open by restriction enzymes. The desired DNA is then extracted from the donor, which is then cut open with the same restriction enzyme. This results in sticky ends and the two pieces of DNA from the two organisms can hence be mixed with complementary base sequences. Ligase is then used to splice the pieces of DNA to form recombinant plasmids, which is then inserted into host cells.

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transduction, transformation, and conjugation

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Q: What is a basic technique for gene transfer?
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What did the successful transfer of the luciferase gene from an animal to a plant indicate about the functioning of gene?

The successful transfer of the luciferase gene from an animal to a plant indicates that genes can be moved between different species and still function correctly. This suggests that gene sequences are conserved across species, allowing for the expression of the gene and its associated protein in the new host organism.

What is agrobacterium mediated gene transfer?

transfer of gene with the help of Ti plasmid present in Agrobacterium which has T-dna region by which gene van transfer.

What is the difference between lateral and vertical gene transfer?

Lateral gene transfer involves the transfer of genetic material between different organisms of the same generation, such as through plasmids or viruses. Vertical gene transfer, on the other hand, refers to the transfer of genetic material from parent to offspring through reproduction.

What term is used for the transfer of a gene from one organism to another?

Horizontal Gene Transfer is probably the term you are looking for

How do different organisms have the same subset of genes?

Different organisms can have the same subset of genes through processes like gene duplication, vertical gene transfer, and lateral gene transfer. Gene duplication can lead to multiple copies of the same gene in different organisms. Vertical gene transfer involves the inheritance of genes from a common ancestor. Lateral gene transfer allows organisms to acquire genes from other species, leading to the sharing of genetic material among organisms.

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Which technique can be used to make multiple copies of a gene? What are the basic steps in this procedure?

What did the successful transfer of the luciferase gene from an animal to a plant indicate about the functioning of gene?

The successful transfer of the luciferase gene from an animal to a plant indicates that genes can be moved between different species and still function correctly. This suggests that gene sequences are conserved across species, allowing for the expression of the gene and its associated protein in the new host organism.

What is the difference between horizontal gene transfer and vertical gene transfer?

Horizontal gene transfer involves the transfer of genetic material between different organisms, such as bacteria exchanging genes through processes like transformation, transduction, or conjugation. Vertical gene transfer refers to the transmission of genes from parents to offspring, typically through sexual reproduction in eukaryotic organisms.

What is gene transfer through embryo injection?

the transfer of gene to the embryo in order to produce transgenic offspring is known as gene transfer through embryo.

What is agrobacterium mediated gene transfer?

transfer of gene with the help of Ti plasmid present in Agrobacterium which has T-dna region by which gene van transfer.

When a gene transfer to a person then what happen to other person?

when a gene transfer to a person then other person is scared of the gene

What is the difference between lateral and vertical gene transfer?

Lateral gene transfer involves the transfer of genetic material between different organisms of the same generation, such as through plasmids or viruses. Vertical gene transfer, on the other hand, refers to the transfer of genetic material from parent to offspring through reproduction.

What term is used for the transfer of a gene from one organism to another?

Horizontal Gene Transfer is probably the term you are looking for

Horizontal gene transfer in humans?

Horizontal gene transfer, the transfer of genetic material between organisms without direct parent-to-offspring inheritance, is considered rare in humans. However, there is evidence suggesting that it has occurred in our evolutionary history, particularly with ancient viruses that have incorporated their DNA into the human genome. Despite these occurrences, horizontal gene transfer is not a significant mechanism for genetic change in humans compared to vertical gene transfer from parent to offspring.

How do different organisms have the same subset of genes?

Different organisms can have the same subset of genes through processes like gene duplication, vertical gene transfer, and lateral gene transfer. Gene duplication can lead to multiple copies of the same gene in different organisms. Vertical gene transfer involves the inheritance of genes from a common ancestor. Lateral gene transfer allows organisms to acquire genes from other species, leading to the sharing of genetic material among organisms.

What is a gene transfer?

Gene transfer refers to the movement of genetic material from one organism to another. This can happen naturally through processes like reproduction or through artificial methods such as genetic engineering techniques. Gene transfer is important for the evolution of species and for the development of biotechnology products.

What is the most basic architectural technique for spanning space?

Post and lintel is the most basic architectural technique for spanning space.