

What is a bassoonist?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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A bassoonist is a person who plays the bassoon.

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How many contabassoons in an orchestra?

Usually, the second bassoonist will double as the contrabassoonist. So, there should be only one and also, a contrabassoon is quite uncommon to be called for in a piece.

What has the author Don Christlieb written?

Don Christlieb has written: 'Recollections of a first chair bassoonist' -- subject(s): Motion picture music, Bassoonists, Biography, History and criticism

What is a bassoon?

A bassoon is a musical instrument in the woodwind family, possessing a double reed and playing in the tenor and bass ranges.

Who was the bassoonist who played the famous opening bassoon solo of the Rite of Spring?

......There are many recordings of this piece. No one player plays for all of the recordings. Which recording are you speaking of when you ask this is the real question here.

What do you call a person that plays the bassoon?

Typically the double bassoon (or contrabassoon) is given to the third or fourth chair bassoon, leaving the principal bassoon to play the 1st bassoon part and the 2nd chair bassoon to play the 2nd bassoon part. In some cases the double bassoon part is an auditioned spot, meaning that someone specifically auditioned for the double bassoon.

Where can you see the instrument collection of the late William Waterhouse bassoonist?

In the family's cottage in the Cotswolds, England, near Gloucestershire. In a small building next to the house, the family has compiled his bassoon collection, along with a library of his works.