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Driving a car is a behavior that is developed with experience and practice. Initially, driving may feel overwhelming and require conscious effort, but with practice, it becomes more automatic and natural. Through experience on the road, drivers develop skills in handling various situations and become more adept at making quick, effective decisions.

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Q: What is a behaviour that is developed with experience and practice?
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What is the cardinal learned behavior?

A cardinal learned behavior is a behavior that an individual acquires through experience and practice, rather than being innate or instinctual. It is developed through observation, trial and error, and interaction with the environment or other individuals.

How has humanistic perspective influence psychology today?

The humanistic perspective has influenced psychology by promoting the importance of personal growth, self-actualization, and the individual's subjective experience. It has led to an increased focus on the whole person, subjective well-being, and the importance of human potential in psychological research and practice today.

Reflexes that result from practice or repetition are known as?

Reflexes that result from practice or repetition are known as conditioned reflexes. These are learned responses to a specific stimulus that have been acquired through experience or training.

What is the average income for a private practice psychotherapist?

The average income for a private practice psychotherapist varies depending on factors such as location, experience, client base, and specialization. However, in the United States, a private practice psychotherapist can typically earn anywhere from $50,000 to $120,000 per year.

Examples of innate and learned behaviour?

Innate behavior is instinctual and present at birth, such as a spider spinning a web or a bird migrating. Learned behavior is acquired through experience or observation, such as a dog being trained to sit on command or a child learning to ride a bike.

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I am under confident in English even my teacher said so what can I do to get confidence?

experience is the only thing that will help ... so practice, practice, practice. i know a second language (french) and that was how i got confident in it - practice, and experience

Is consumer behavior more a function of a person's age or generation?

according to me the behaviour changes with ones experience that is the age of a person. today the behaviour of consumer has changed due much awareness towards their buying behaviour changes.

What is the treatment of ablutomanias?

Compulsive washing of oneself. Treatment focuses on behaviour therapy. In our experience compulsive disorders have to be treated on the basis of behaviour therapy and a disorder-specific approach

How will you become an expert at what you do?

Practice, research & experience.

Where does ability come from?

Mainly practice and experience.

Which two main factors are said to be instrumental in influencing your behavior?

Although it is true to say that much of our behaviour is the result of experience, it is also true to say that suggestion controls our behaviour.

What are the differences between an Opinion and an experience?

Experience is what you study, see , observe, practice and learn and opinion comes after experience!

WHAT IS an inclination or proficiency for performing a task?

"Skill" refers to an individual's ability to perform a task or activity effectively. It reflects competency or expertise in a particular area. A skill is developed through practice, experience, and sometimes formal training.

Can a person be ethical but immoral?

Immorality suggests licentious behaviour which is not in accordance with the rules or standards for right conduct or practice. In short - no.