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it is obvious that black will absorb more heat as silver will reflect back most of the heat falling on it

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Q: What is a better heat absorber black or silver?
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Is red a good absorber of heat?

Yes it is, however black is even better.

Which color is the best absorber of heat?

Black is.

Why black objects heat up more in sunshine?

because black is good absorber of heat

Which color is the best absorber and emmiter of heat?

Dull black is the best heat radiator.

Why utensils are painted black?

The utensils are painted black because black is a good absorber of heat

If black is the best absorber of heat why do Bedouins wear black robes in the hot desert?

Black is the best absorber of heat, but it is also the best radiator of heat. Therefore, assuming that the Bedouin's internal temperature of 98.6oF (37oC) is higher than the temperature of the surrounding desert, he (or she) will, on average, lose heat.

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Water absorbs and radiates heat better than soil does.

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We are prefered to wear white clothes in summer because white colour is a poor absorber of heat and wear black clothes in summer because black colour is a good absorber of heat

Is dull surface a good radiator of heat?

It is in fact the best radiator. Dull black is the best absorber and emitter. Then shiny black, followed by white, then silver. While the best reflector goes the other way around (silver's the best, then white, followed by shiny black, then dull black)

Why silver tea pots is preffered to black tea pots?

Because silver teapots reflect the heat that is coming from the liquid therefore bouncing off the sides of the kettle and keeping the liquid warm. Whereas a black kettle would just absorb the heat which wouldn't keep the liquid warm. Also, silver is a bad absorber and a bad emitter.

Why does a black colour absorb more heat?

because its a good emitter/absorber of radiation

What colour is the best absorber of heat and why?

Matte black because it absorbs most wavelengths.