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Q: What is a black large fuzzy spider in eastern Washington called?
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It is the Russian goalkeeper Yasin. As he wore always black shorts and Jersey, he was called the black spider.

What Spider black yellow garden?

It's a perfectly harmless (and beautiful) ARGIOPE spider. Also called the black and yellow garden spider, banana spider, or corn spider.

What is a black spider with a red stripe called?

Black Widow

Black spider orange smiley face?

it is called the happy face spider.

What is a black widow spider's babies called?

An immature black widow spider can be called a "spiderling."

What kind of spider is black with two orange dots on the abdomen with only one spot?

a little spider black legs and yellow back with black spots

What spider eats what spider?

The black widow spider usually eats the male spider after they mate, unless they give the female a"gift which is something good to eat wrapped in silk. That is why they are called black widow spiders

What are black and a pinch of brown spiders called?

it is just a spider

What are the antidotes for the snake called the black mamba and black widow spider?

Dock leaves

What black spider has a red back and thick fuzzy legs legs?

A black spider with a red back and thick fuzzy legs is commonly called a jumping spider. The formal name is Phiddipus audax.

What kind of spider has yellow spots on its back is black hairy and medium sized with a kinda fat body in Washington?

Argiope aurantia Lucas - yellow garden spider

What spider has a dark brown abdomen and a black glossy thorax and 3 cm aprox and is native soulth west Washington?

I think you're looking at a Hobo spider