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Sauter les poisons.

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Q: What is a blow fish called in french?
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What is a pregnant blow fish called?

A Blownfish

What is fish called in french?

fish is spelled 'poisson' in French.

Does the blow fish come from plankton?

Yes, they do. The blow fish does come from plankton. A blow fish type of plankton can change into a blow fish when it's older. A blow fish can blow itself up to protect itself from other fish that eats blow fish, but if it's stuck and the blow fish can't get out, both fish dies.

What is a blow fish?

a fish

What do you call a blow up fish?

You can call them: puffer fish, blow fish, globe fish, or fugu

Which food is called as poisson in french restaurant?

poisson means fish in French.

What is the word fish called in French?

'Un poisson'

What do blow fish eat?

Blow fish eat corals,smallfish,insects.

How do you say Japanese Fighting fish in French?

Japanese fighting fish are called 'des combattants' or 'des poissons combattants' in French.

How do you say fish pie in french?

fish bones are called 'des arêtes' in French.

Would you rater be a turtle or a blow fish?

Probably a turtle looking blow fish.

What is the name of the French stew of fish wine and onion?

the fish stew is called matelote