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There are breaks in the Earth's crust where slabs of rock slip past each other. These places are called fault lines.

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Q: What is a break in the crust where slabs slip past each other called?
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A tectonic plate.

The idea that Earth's crust and rigid upper mantle are broken into enormous slabs called plates is known as?

That is plate tectonics. These slabs are constantly moving generating earth quakes.

When Theory that states that Earth and crust and upper mantle are broken into enormous slabs?

Plate tectonics.

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Mountains are made by movements in earths?

Yes! Amazing isn't it! Mountains are formed by slow but gigantic movements of the earths crust. The Earth's crust is made up of 6 huge slabs called plates, which fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. When to slabs of the earth's crust smash into each other the land can be pushed upwards, forming mountains. Many of the greatest mountain ranges of the world have formed because of enormous collisions between continents.

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tectonic plates!

Why the crust move?

the earth's crust is made up of 7 rigid,irregularly shaped plates(slabs). these are called lithospheric plates. these plates move because of the molten magma under the earth's crust which move in a circular motion that's why the earth's crust moves and earthquakes occurs

What are large moving rock slabs that make up earths hard surface?

The crust of the Earth is made of Igneous, Metamorphic_rocks, and Sedimentary_rockrocks. The Oceanic_crustof the sheet is different from its Continental_crust.theoceanic crust is made of Basalt, Diabase, and Gabbro,while the continental crust is made of Graniteand oter dense rocks, also they are not slabs unless if you mean rocks that were in a fault a fault: is a fracture in the Earth's crust where one side moves with respect to the other side. OK is that enough info!

What area of the earth's layers is made of huge slabs of rock that float on the mantle?
