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Q: What is a broad based protusion more prominent toward the left nearly effacing the left ventral thecal sac The left cord surface is flattened and the cord is mildly displaced toward the right?
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How do you put self effacing in a sentence?

Self effacing is not seeking attention or seeing how good you are. A sentence with the word self-effacing would be, he was so self effacing when he played that he gave all of the credit to everyone else.

What are some antonyms for pompous?

humble, self-effacing

What is the opposite word for self effacing?

The opposite word for self-effacing is "boastful" or "self-aggrandizing." This refers to someone who promotes themselves excessively and without humility.

What is Self effacing humour?

Self-effacing humor is a type of humor in which individuals make fun of themselves in a light-hearted and non-offensive way. It involves poking fun at one's own flaws, mistakes, or shortcomings to evoke laughter from others. This type of humor can help to build rapport and make others feel more comfortable around the person exhibiting self-effacing humor.

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humble, modest, quiet, reserved, self-effacing

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What are synonyms for the word humble?

* modest * self-effacing * unassuming * unpretentious * reserved * meek * demure * lowly

How do you spell humbled?

That is the correct spelling of "humble" (modest, or self-effacing).

Can braxton hicks go on for days?

Yes, I've had them for about 8 days, day and night, and no "true" labor yet. I'm dilating and effacing a little bit.

What is the meaning of the badge of the great is humility?

It refers to the concept that people who are truly great seldom if ever boast about their achievements, instead being modest and self effacing.

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In passive communication, the person avoids expressing their feelings or needs. Some of the characteristics are rambling sentences, self effacing, and disqualifying statements.

What is Dessication of the disc?

what is a multilevel disc desiccation with posterior disc/spur at C-4-c5.c6.c7 effacing the ventral thecal sac and contracting the ventral cord