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Flat topped hills or rock formations with steep walls on all sides are called a mesa. See the related links for more information.

A plateau is a large ( as in many square miles), extended area, that is higher than the surrounding land

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Q: What is a broad flat-topped land form with steep sides called?
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What are broad flat-topped landforms with steep sides that start with m?

A mesa.

What type of volcano has broad bases and summits with steep sides?

Cinder cone volcanos have steep sides and broadd bases.They are formed by explosive eruptions that are followed by lava outpourings.

What is a broad flat topped land form with steep sides they are similar to plateaus but smaller and are bigger than a butte?

A mesa.

What is a table shaped hill with a flat top and steep sides?

A table shaped hill with a flat top and steep sides is called a plateau.

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What is a broad flat topped area with steep sides?

This could be a mesa (up to a few miles wide) or a plateau (up to hundreds of miles wide).

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How did Incas farm on steep hills?

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