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No major buildings are on the same "block" as the U.S. Capitol Building.

  • Across the street east of (or behind) the Capitol is the U.S. Supreme Court and the Library of Congress.
  • South of the Capitol, across the street, are office buildings for the House of Representatives.
  • North of the Capitol are office buildings for the Senate, as well as the Lower Senate Park. A few blocks from that park is Union Station.
  • In front of the Capitol, to the west, is the Capitol Mall, which is a long grass field stretching all the way to the Potomac River. Closest to the Capitol is the Ulysses S. Grant Memorial. Surrounding the Capitol Mall are Smithsonian buildings, as well as other government offices and memorials. The centerpiece of the Capitol Mall is the Washington Monument, which is also lined up with the White House.
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Q: What is a building next to the Washington monument?
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It is a building. It does not grow.

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The Washington Monument is 1.2 miles west of the U.S. Capitol Building. The Washington Monument is located in about the middle of the National Mall, and the Capitol Building is at the Mall's eastern end.

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At the base on the side facing the capitol building,

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The Washington Monument The Washington Monument is a structure not a building. The tallest building in Washington D.C. is the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Though if you ever decide to be a tour guide, the the answer to the three tallest buildings are: Captiol, Old Post Office Pavillion and the National Cathedral.

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The Washington Monument honours George Washington.