

What is a cartilage in a knee?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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11y ago

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Cartilage is the material that lines the ends of bones at the joints. cartilage along with sinovial fluids allow the joints to move freely without wear on the ends of the bone as well as protecting the bone at joints against Sudan impact. cartilage has no nervous tissue in it so as long as it remains intact the joint feels fine however the same cant be said for the bone just under it. When the cartilage wears away for one reason or another bones come in contact with each other, this can be extremely painful and eventually debilitating.

A cartilage in a knee is damage to the cartilage that sits on top of the tibia and allows the femur to glide when the knee joint moves. Tears are usually described by where they are located and their appearance (for example, "bucket handle" tear, longitudinal, parrot beak, and transverse). While physical examination may predict whether it is the medial or lateral meniscus that is damaged, a diagnostic procedure, like an MRI or knee arthroscopy, can locate the specific part of the cartilage that is torn and how it appears.

Because there is different blood supply to each part of the meniscus, knowing where the tear is located may help decide how easily an injury might heal (with or without surgery). The better the blood supply, the better the potential for recovery. The outside rim of cartilage has better blood supply than the central part of the "C." Blood supply to knee cartilage also decreases with age, and up to 20% of normal blood supply is lost by age 40.

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Absolutely. The cartilage or "Meniscus" in the knee covers the three main bones it (the knee) is comprised of and is very important to it's healthy/painfree movement, stability of the joint and reduction of internal bone damage.