

What is a cell membrian?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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14y ago

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the cell membrane is semipermeable, allowing some substances to pass into the cell blocking others.

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12y ago

The outer covering of an animal cell and just inside a plant cell, a cell membrane (if that's what you meant) helps control what goes in and out of the cell.

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The cell reference for the last cell in Excel 2003 is cell IV65536.The cell reference for the last cell in Excel 2003 is cell IV65536.The cell reference for the last cell in Excel 2003 is cell IV65536.The cell reference for the last cell in Excel 2003 is cell IV65536.The cell reference for the last cell in Excel 2003 is cell IV65536.The cell reference for the last cell in Excel 2003 is cell IV65536.The cell reference for the last cell in Excel 2003 is cell IV65536.The cell reference for the last cell in Excel 2003 is cell IV65536.The cell reference for the last cell in Excel 2003 is cell IV65536.The cell reference for the last cell in Excel 2003 is cell IV65536.The cell reference for the last cell in Excel 2003 is cell IV65536.

Is a cell a plant and animal cell?

an animal cell has cell membrane a plant cell has cell wall.

What is the primary boundary of the cell and what is the overall security of the cell?

For an animal cell it is the cell wall. For a plant cell it is the cell membrane. In an animal cell the cell membrane is right inside the cell wall. The cell membrane is known as "The Gatekeeper" and is the main security of the cell.

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In plant cells, a cell membrane and a cell wall surround the cell to aid in support and protection. In animal cells, only a cell membrane surrounds the cell and controls what substances go in and go out of the cell.

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if its a plant cell its the cell wall..... if its an animal cell its the cell membrane

Does an animal cell have a cell wall and a cell membrane?

An animal cell consists of a cell membrane but not a cell wall.

What are cell structure?

Cell membrane, vacuole, nucleus are all part of a cell. They are the cell structure.#doesntmake sence